Reflection: First Weeks of Digital Advertising

Afsara Begum
Digital Advertising Year 3 Term 1
4 min readNov 17, 2017

The first weeks of the digital advertising term consisted of coming up with an idea and thinking of a campaign plan. I decided to pick the Crowne Plaza brief which asks for competitors to design a brand which helps attract young business people to stay at Crowne Plaza. So far I have completed different tasks which will help strategise the campaign plan. Whilst finishing these tasks there were things that went well and things that could have been better. In this blog I will be reflecting on each task that I have completed so far.

20 Concept Idea

To create an imaginative and valuable concept idea I used the 20 concept idea method which consists of generating 20 ideas whether good or bad into a list and then narrowing it down to the strongest idea. This is a great way to explore my imagination and write anything that I could think of. Coming up with ideas was an easy task, in addition friends around me suggested a few ideas as well. As my friends are history and economic students they helped to give me ideas from a non creative perspective. A suggestion they put forward was the idea to mix business and pleasure and ultimately that idea influenced my final decision. Something I could change for next time is to sketch out ideas instead of writing it so I could see them in a creative format and as possible prototypes. An improvement I could have made is to look at previous projects of the same brief so the task is completed faster.

Elevator Pitch

For this task I had to answer 3 questions which is able to explain my idea in a short and memorable way. Due to the simpleness of the task it was unchallenging to create 3 answers as the questions gave a direction for answers. Creating the answers was a swift procedure which meant I could carry on to the next tasks giving me more time for the more difficult tasks. something that I could have done better is getting a review on my pitch to make my pitch stronger. Improvements I would make is to research on how other people have prepared elevator pitches to understand the different ways of writing an elevator pitch and making a deeper impact from the answers I have given.

One Pager

This is the early version I designed which presents the basic idea of what my brand will provide for customers. I did create a further improved version however I’ve lost the file. As I have lost the file I will be talking about the early version. In this version I decided not to overthink the design and put relevant information that is able to portray the ideas of my brand. Picking the colours was easy to decide as I derived colours from Crowne Plaza’s brand colour which is purple. I also added an animation in the bottom right of the page to add some visual that helps express the idea of ‘work, stay and enjoy’. I did have to create the One Pager a few times as I felt a lot of information was needed in the poster. What I would improve on for next time is to make sure I save my work on different mediums and play with more visuals that could express the tagline better.

Mood board

The mood board should give a visual idea of what my project is going to be. I organised each section of the mood board so there is a structure to my idea. By organising each section I knew what images to add to my mood board and what images may not be needed. What I could include next time is more images to help express the idea as I only included about 10 images. The images I could include is specific images that relate to the App I want to create such as the interface idea. Improvements I would make is to test out my mood board on others and see if they are able to understand my idea through the images I have included.

Target Market

In the brief it specified that Crowne Plaza would like to attract young business people who are going into the first and second job after their graduation. When researching I decided to find out about Crowne plaza’s brand and hotels exterior and interior design. This helped me figure out what Crowne Plaza already provide for young business people and the setting and atmosphere they have in their hotels.



Afsara Begum
Digital Advertising Year 3 Term 1

Year 3 student studying Web Media Production at Ravensbourne University