Active Investors in African Technology Startups

George Payne
Digital Africa by ATA
1 min readApr 11, 2021

Raising money as an African entrepreneur is challenging to say the least. To better prepare founders trying to raise funding for their startups, we have built an active investor list that outlines all current investors in the technology sector, i.e. those investing in Africa-based and Africa-focused startups.

Check out the list at the following link:

This list will continue to be updated.

If you are an investor and you can’t see your name on the list, please email

Digital Africa is a publication tracking African innovation, VC investing, and market trends. If you want to keep up-to-date with our content, please subscribe to our Medium or our Substack, and you can check out our podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

If you are a founder or investor in the African tech sector, please feel free to apply to join the Africa Tech Alliance.



George Payne
Digital Africa by ATA

Building stuff to help people @Staqq, @ATA, and elsewhere