Branch Level Experiences in Growing Information Management at Nigerian Red Cross

Guest blog by Zulkifilu Aliyu (Nigerian Red Cross Society) with Paul Knight (British Red Cross)

The Nigerian Red Cross Society (NRCS) are currently implementing a Disaster Management Programme across several States in Nigeria to enhance the capacity of the Nigerian Red Cross in preparing communities for disasters.

The NRCS found it necessary to have a branch Information Management Focal Points, these were incorporated into Disaster Management programme to support the development of the programme and to be able to manage emergencies through data driven decision making.

Recently the programme has expanded into Bauchi and Delta States, from the initial Imo, Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and Lagos States.

We have upskilled the branch Information Management Focal Points in data literacy, data preparedness and data driven decision making, through the use of mobile data collection and in the production of maps and dashboards. (3 Steps to Data Readiness with the Nigerian Red Cross)

We have also built a community of practice in Information Management across branches in the Nigerian Red Cross.

Identifying capacities and vulnerabilities, and planning the Digital Community Mapping route — Carter Olayemi/Nigerian Red Cross

At the beginning of October, we had the opportunity to bring together all the Focal Points, to share their experiences and achievements of Information Management at the branch level.

Sharing experiences helps us to learn from one another, keep up to date with ways of working and ensuring Nigerian Red Cross Disaster Response more efficient.

We recapped topics such as digital community mapping for the EVCA (Enhanced Vulnerability and Capacity Assessments), Data Management and Protection. We provided spaces for one to talk about their Information Management experiences in the programme and how they were able to transfer it to other activities and projects in their branches.

Here are some quotes and successes from our branches:

  • “Supports our understanding on how data can provide insights to what we are doing and what has already been done”
  • “Using data and information we are able to target, coordinate and communicate activities more efficiency”
  • “I have been able to transfer the Information Management and GIS value gained as part of the Nigerian Red Cross/ British Red Cross Programme into branch activities, including tools (Kobo Toolbox) and working to improve decision making. Last year, I had the responsibility to create and deploy tools informing decisions on what to distribute after floods”

We also discussed challenges and advancements in existing activities. These included:

  • How to update maps from initial EVCA map products including the use of OpenStreetMap.
  • Increasing the visibility of Information Management activities at the branch level and what they provide to programmes and response
  • Refreshers to keep up to date with tools and best practice.

At the Nigerian Red Cross Society, it is great to find out that the Information Management focal points are using their gained skills to improve decision making and reporting at the branch level.

Through shared learning and identifying value, Nigerian Red Cross is improving in its data decision processes in service to humanity.

