Case Study: 9x Increase in Web Traffic and Engagement with Digital Artists Online

This is a case study for; a blockchain statistics niche website showing statistics and live prices of bitcoin and all altcoins.

In January 2017 it was less known than it’s mainstream rivals, but still with modest weekly traffic of 5k weekly visits and a reasonable 3 minutes per visit on site.

THEN in early February they implemented the first version of the Digital Artists Online widget to incentivise their visitors— essentially a simple timer widget which pays each user as they browse and use the site (they chose to reward visitors every 5 minutes).

9x Traffic Increase

Instantly their traffic increased 4x — from 5k weekly visits to 22k.

And within 6 weeks they received a 9x increase in traffic, from 5k weekly visits to 46k!

But that’s not all engagement and time spent browsing went through the roof too!

3x Engagement Increase

Their engagement increased dramatically too.

The average time on site before the Digital Artists Widget was 3 minutes, this rose to over 9 minutes after adding the Digital Artists Online widget!

What is Digital Artists Online?

Digital Artists Online is a simple platform which enables you to incentivise your web traffic.

You can to tap into our network and receive huge amounts of extra traffic from us, and pay your visitors micro rewards (in bitcoin/cryptocurrency) for spending time on your website.

All you need to do is join up , create a site listing, choose how much you want to pay, and how often, and then place the code on your website — it appears as a small 600x300 widget.

You can place it just on one page if you wish, but if you can place it site wide then people really will just browse and earn as they do.

Its that simple; 2 minutes setup time :)

Join Digital Artists Online Here

