Digital Artists Online Rebrands to

Finally this week we rebranded and moved from Digital Artists Online to Air Drips. We have big plans, but for now everything is running the same and it’s business as usual.

This includes a domain and brand change, effectively immediately we are now called Air Drips, and our domain is is now redirected to and for now everything else is the same :)


We’ve never fully been happy with the Digital Artists Online brand, the idea was to evolve into a Patreon type site where you can publish and share your content, creations, stories and earn rewards, bu this might be a long way off still.

Right now we give tiny “drips” of digital currencies, this works right now, and will always be the base of the platform, so after months of re-thinking we found the AirDrips domain and we’ve swapped :)

Now the Same but Future Changes

For now everything is the same, you can earn rewards and interact with our publishers in just the same way and you don’t need to update your info or do anything else — right now it is a cosmetic change only.
However here is a sneak peak at some of the exciting changes and additions we have in progress and in plans:

  • Different digital currencies integration: We want to regularly change which digital currencies we give away — we might do a different coin monthly, ones we think are exciting and have big futures!
  • BLOGGING: Soon you will be able to start a blog, share your content, news, hobbies, and while people read they will be able to earn digital currencies for reading and sharing your content, and they will also be able to TIP you..
  • TIPPING: We are making a new version of our widget to work initially with our new blogging element — there will be a slider which the reader can use to decide to SHARE their upcoming reward with you — so they can decide to tip you from 10% to 90% of the reward (and keep the remaining amount themselves) or send you a separate larger tip too if they really like your content :)
  • Chrome Extension: Our widgets in Chrome extension format — to speed up browsing and provide a few new features to help you manage your rewards.

We have some other plans in the works too including some other future new features and some new publishing partners too :) Watch this space!

