【TouchDesigner】Multiple SOP Instancing

Making of Digital Art
2 min readFeb 15, 2020

Let me tell you about how to draw multiple SOP items by instancing on TouchDesigner.

Usually, instancing system on TouchDesigner allows us to only draw 1 type of object(SOP).
But there is a situation that we want to draw multiple type of items by instancing.
I’ll tell you how to do it.


  • Use multiple Geometry COMPs and Sort CHOP and Trim CHPO
  • Make random order with Sort CHOP and pick specific range with Trim CHPO


Place multiple geometry.

Resource part of instancing


Select Random for Sample Sort Method part.
Select type By Channel Indices and input 0 to Channel Indices .

If you didn’t input value to Channel Indices, the layout will be incorrect.

In case of By Channel Names, Channel Names is like below.


Select specific range with multiple Trim CHOP .

It’s useful if Start / End value is applied by code like above.


Same as normal instancing, apply each CHOPs to Geometry COMPs.

That’s it.

The project file is below.

Twitter: @21nomi
Email: r21nomi@gmail.com

