Start to optimise the force, power and potential of your organisation

Denis Doeland
Digital Assets by Denis Doeland
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1 min readOct 7, 2019

Dear friend,

Thank you for following on Medium. I herewith would like to share the digital pre-release of my latest book which is translated now.

In this publication (38 chapters in different parts) you will read how you as in individual and/or your organisation can be different and better in the digital ecosystem. I shares my insights regarding a number of organisations and interesting people from my network.

This publication is not only a manual for hacking your business, increasing your business value or making (your) innovations successful. The content of this publication (and the framework) helps you to better understand the (digital) world.

You will understand what goes wrong with marketing, communication and sales departments. Why someone is making a living with silly word jokes and speech bubbles. And how you can predict the (financial) value of data.

Of course you want to increase the value of your company and optimize your business. But an understanding of the (digital) world around you is also worth something. This publication is not only a framework for new insights, but also provide your new roadmap for yourself and your organization in the digital world.

Do you want to optimally use the force, power and potential of yourself or your organisation in the digital world today?

>>> Start now, start here

Best regards,

Denis Doeland

Business & Industry Hacker



Denis Doeland
Digital Assets by Denis Doeland

Author, Blogger, Disruptor, Maven, Numerati and Transformer. Check more on: