An Ending and a Beginning

Lucas Jacob
Digital Authorship 2023
2 min readMay 5, 2023
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

This short video provides an overview of my four-part final project for the URI graduate course “EDC 534: Digital Authorship.”

As the video indicates, I see this “culminating” project as actually being the first step in a process of kickstarting conversations about digital authorhship both on the PK-12 campus at which I work and across the larger landscape of independent schools in the United States.

The first part of the project is the slideshow that will form the basis of conversations I’m set to have in May and June with the middle and upper school faculties, respectively.

The second part is an essay I’ve submitted to La Jolla Country Day’s marketing & communications team for publication in the school’s newsletter section dedicated to administrative perspectives. The audience of that publication tends to be heavy on parents and alums. Watch this space for a link to the piece once it is revised, edited, and posted in the coming weeks!

Part three is a proposal for (perhaps ironically) a Pecha Kucha presentation at the National Association of Independent Schools annual conference in 2024. Should the proposal be accepted, I will post the resulting presentation in this space when the time comes.

Finally, as part four I have drafted an essay, tentatively called “The Potential Power of Digital Authorship in PK-12 Schools,” for submission to the “trend lines” section of Independent School magazine. Should the piece be accepted, I will link the published version here. If it is not accepted in its current form, I will publish the current version here in Medium.

Many thanks to Dr. Mike RobbGrieco and to all of my classmates for an inspiring and enriching semester.

I hope that some of you will join me as I use these artifacts to begin new conversations and push ongoing ones in new directions!

