Racheal Popoola
Digital Authorship
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2022



I consider myself creative through and through. I like to tell people I have what some may refer to as an “active brain”. I rarely see something as is. I often, without trying, see an object in multiple ways it could become, not just how it presents. Naturally, this project was something I was looking forward to. I was excited to explore various options and choose what was best for the story I wanted to tell. One that I felt my classmates could relate to. There was one tiny little problem. I struggle with articulating and/or expressing my feelings. Not only do I not have multiple ways to do this, it is rare that I come up with a single way that I feel is adequate or at times accurate.

Lost for words, I decided to do a podcast as it seemed to me, sound would best illustrate my feelings. Although, the risk of storytelling is that reality is much more complex than any narrative can adequately express. There’s no way to transfer the tightness in my stomach, racing heartbeat, or loss of air at the delivering of bad news. However, I’ve learned that emotional tone use is a strategy that can help illicit expression. I made sure to include a few that would help bring into focus the picture I was trying to convey. It was also important to me that the listener had their own aha! experience and walked away with motivation and encouragement. You don’t have to accept “no” as an answer, especially the first time. It may not lead to the desired outcome, but at least you tried. From there it is less likely for anyone to have or be filled with regret.

Once I decided on the “why” and the “how” I was faced with a new challenge, the “what”. What exactly would I say? What would my story entail? It came to me quicker than I anticipated. I would tell the story of the beginning of my doctoral journey. Although, some or none of my classmates may be in a doctoral program, all know what it is like to apply for something and anticipate the response. The response may be one of acceptance that leads to moments bursting with joy. Just as easily it could be one of rejection, lending oneself to feelings of sadness and regret. We’ve all been there as humans, applying to jobs, school, etc.

Well, that’s it right? This should be a piece of cake. Wrong! Knowing what you want to say is typically easy, however, how you say it might be challenging. For someone like me who struggles with articulating her thoughts and feelings, it was very Very VERY difficult. I went through a few scripts before landing on what is presented below. Please listen and enjoy.

