Developing in my Digital Authorship

Racheal Popoola
Digital Authorship
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2022

Before google existed for me, there was “Ask Jeeves” an online website that answered all of my questions as a young K-12 student. I remember typing questions about anything and everything in the search bar. Now I use google to search phrases, images, and etc.

Before word processors, lap tops, and electronic hand-held devices key strokes, there were pen and pencil strokes. I remember using my dad’s word processor to complete assignments. Now I can start a task on phone or tablet and complete it on my laptop.

I’ve never googled myself before, but it was nice to see how I’ve grown and matured with each digital step. Crawling, walking, and hopefully sprinting. I evolved with the times then, and I plan to do so again and again. I was disappointed to see the city and state I live in, but I appreciated not seeing any of my social media. It was nice seeing pics and volunteer work from undergraduate studies. It was even more exciting and encouraging to see panel discussion I’ve done and my first publication as a 3rd author. One day soon I will be 1st author of several publications.

Taking this further, I would love to be a creator of media products. If I had a magic wand and could create something without limitations, it would be a software to detect truth from fact. I’ve learned recently just how different the two are. Facts typically exist in reality. They are not disputed. In contrast, truths rest in beliefs. Additionally, truths tend to be situational. They tend not to hold up in the realities of all. I think this type of software would be impactful for all. Imagine for a second watching the news and knowing right away what was fact and what was truth. The same could be applied to blogs, articles, journal, newspapers, magazines, and etc. With something like this comes great responsibility as a digital author and creator. Whether fact or truth, depending on the situation and people involved, sometimes things are better left alone.

This scares me as we currently live in a society that employs “cancel culture”. One politically incorrect or insensitive mistake/remark can leave one jobless, homeless, penniless, and hopeless. It is impossible to know everything about everyone everywhere. Despite the expectation is still held firmly. There is little room for error and even less room for forgiveness.

First, I’m loyal/dedicated. Once I make my mind up about someone/something, that’s it. I’m dedicated to it and fiercely committed to my involvement and fidelity of all the person, place, or thing. This includes but is not limited to achieving the goal and going the extra mile as needed. Secondly, I’m generous. A little may go a long way, but a lot will almost surely go farther. My generosity makes people feel loved and appreciated. As my generosity is linked to various acts of kindness, I find that people are often shocked. The world can be a cruel and lonely place. People in general are starving for someone, anyone, or everyone to notice them and be nice. This is especially true when there aren’t strings attached. NEVER has there been an expectation for anyone to return the act of kindness, nor was I seeking any type of praise, affirmation, or validation. Lastly, the third aspect of both my personality and character that helps in my abilities to create to learn is that I’m thoughtful. I often consider others. I think about what they like, upcoming life events, habits, celebrations, mood, and etc.

All of the 3 previously mentioned traits help bring creativity and learning to life in a way that is authentic and meaningful. It also helps make learning authentic and genuine. In my personal opinion this is something that is missing in K-12 schools. Most teachers are being forced to teach from the text and to the test.

My purpose in life is to educate, encourage, and empower the youth. We are moving toward a more digital world at full speed. This means that as a result, digital literacies and digital skills will become vital to operate fully in society. Personally, it is important for me to advance my identity as a digital author. I mentioned earlier the importance of creativity and learning to be genuine and authentic. I would like to add relative as well. As a Christian, Nigerian-American, Black, Cis-Hetero Woman, there is a need for my voice in predominately white male spaces. Following this further, there is a need for a variety of voices from typically marginalized groups. All demographics deserve to have a space for them that is cultivated and respected. With tolerance, equity, diversity and inclusion many will be able to leave their digital prints in the world.

