Amanda Scott
Digital Authorship
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2021


LEAP 2 -Life in Covid

This Leap was very difficult for me to complete. I wrote the story itself early in the morning before everyone was awake. By the end, I found myself crying. The images I had curated told a story themselves, but it was when I put words to the images that I began to see the real magnitude of it all. I felt a loss from the past year and I had never told that story.

My story is a bit short, I will admit, but to tell any more of it would have been much harder on me emotionally. I haven’t told stories like this in many years — probably not since junior high. I have always been a scholarly writer, one who looks at the world objectively and with research. To tell this story, my own personal journey, was quite difficult. I had to let it sit for a while before I could allow myself the space to write about it.

My argument, if you will, was simply that life has been hard lately. Not in your traditional sense of incredible trials of health or financial loss, but just in the isolation from all I knew. To tell that story, I had to make choices in what images I curated from my personal library. Who were the other people outside of me that could help tell my story? My family and my co-workers. Photos of them were necessary. Then it came time to show my personality. I chose pictures that weren’t the most beautiful, rather, the ones that showed me as I have been the last few months. I also pulled quotes/images that I have shared on my Instagram and Facebook that have helped me on a daily basis. To show those quotes was a way to show what is important to me. Then it was time to create. I used Adobe Spark because I love how the music and transitions help to tell the story. It creates a soft video with rounded edges, one I felt was necessary when telling a story that to me, is still raw.

