Open Banking: A boost to the economy

Vinay Boriwal
FinTech 2030
Published in
4 min readOct 15, 2023

Hey there, finance enthusiasts! 🌟 Today, we’re diving into the exciting world of open banking. 🏦 Imagine a world where your financial data flows seamlessly between banks and innovative fintech companies through APIs. No more clunky processes and paperwork — just a smoother, more productive financial ecosystem! 🚀 Let’s break down this in a fun and expressive way.

Introduction: Alrighty, let’s start with the basics. Open banking is like the ultimate data-sharing party for banks and fintechs. 🎉 They’re swapping info using APIs, giving us a more efficient and fabulous financial world. Think credit scores, account info, and mortgage details — all available at the flick of a digital switch. Fancy, right? 😉

And guess what? Open banking brings a whole bunch of goodies for everyone involved:

  • Improved Access to Data: Say goodbye to data silos and hello to a seamless flow of financial info.
  • Increased Competition: Banks and fintechs are in a friendly race to serve you better. Yay, options!
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Everything becomes easier, from applying for loans to managing your money. You’re the star here! 🌟

Open Banking’s Economic Boost: Now, let’s talk numbers. 📈 A study from 2018, It showed that if the UK embraced open banking, it could add a whopping $1.4 billion to their GDP every year! That’s like giving their economy a shot of adrenaline. 💥 And trust us, it’s not just the UK eyeing these benefits. Countries worldwide are giving open banking the “Hey, you’re cool, let’s hang out” nod.

Easier Credit for Small Businesses: Picture this: Small businesses, those energetic engines of job creation and economic diversity, need a little financial love to bloom. Open banking steps in like a hero. Traditional banks often hesitate to lend to small businesses due to perceived risks. But hey, open banking has its back!

  • Risky Business No More: Open banking shows financial institutions real-time data about these businesses. No more guesswork — just solid credit assessments!
  • Collateral Revamp: Traditional collateral? Nah. With open banking, it’s all about a business’s cash flow. If they’re making it rain (money, that is), they’re in the game.
  • Less Paperwork, More Speed: Thanks to APIs, the loan application process becomes a breeze. Less time spent pushing paper, more time growing your business empire. 🏰

Taking on Bank Dominance: So, you’ve got these big banks that have been around since forever. They’ve got history, trust, and even some regulatory perks that make them hard to challenge.

  • All-in-One Banking: Big banks offer a buffet of services under one roof — savings, loans, insurance — the works!
  • Network Power: Big banks have branches and ATMs everywhere. Convenience, anyone? It’s like they’re the popular kids at the party.
  • The Trust Factor: People love familiar brands. Big banks have built trust over time, giving them an edge.

But wait, there’s a catch! This dominance isn’t all rainbows and unicorns 🌈🦄:

  • Less Choices, More Costs: With fewer players in the game, consumers might get stuck with limited options and higher costs.
  • Innovation Stagnation: Dominant banks might not be too keen on new financial wizardry. That’s a bummer for progress.
  • Power Play: Too much power in a few hands can mean those hands control the rules. Not cool for fair play.
  • Shaky Economy: If a big bank stumbles, the whole economy can shake. And nobody wants that.

But don’t worry, open banking is here to level the playing field! The Open Banking Solution: Drumroll, please! 🥁 Open banking rides in on a white horse to save the day! Here’s how:

  • Bring on the Competition: Open banking invites fresh faces to the financial party. Fintech startups and non-bank heroes can now join the game.
  • Customer is King: You’re in control! Open banking hands you the power to share your data with those who treat you right.
  • Innovation Galore: Open banking pushes banks to get creative. It’s like a financial art show where you’re the critic!
  • Financial Hugs for All: Underserved folks get a chance. Open banking helps those without a traditional credit history access financial goodies.

Why Banks Should Party with Open Banking: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s not just about showing up; it’s about dancing on the tables! 🕺💃 Banks, you’re in for a treat. 🍭

  • Data Magic: With access to all this data, you’ll know your customers better than they know themselves. Product offerings, meet perfection!
  • Cool Kid Status: Embracing open banking makes you the star of the show — the cool, tech-savvy bank everyone wants to hang with. 🕶️
  • Future-Proofing: In this digital age, being part of the open banking revolution is like having a VIP pass to the future.

In a Nutshell, Open Banking Rocks. Open banking is like a supercharged engine for economic recovery and growth. In developing economies, it’s like planting seeds of enterprise and economic participation. 🌱 And in developed ones, it’s a shot of espresso to boost efficiency, competition, and cross-border goodness. Open banking helps during crises and builds resilience — plus, it’s a goldmine of data for the government! 🏦📊

So there you have it, open banking in all its glory. It’s like the superhero cape the financial world needed. 🦸‍♂️💰 Here’s to choices, innovation, and a world where everyone gets a slice of the financial pie! 🥧✨



Vinay Boriwal
FinTech 2030

Business Consultant at Tata Consultancy Services