How to discuss design?

Brand Inside & Out
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2014

We believe that designers shouldn’t spend their time writing emails. Neither coders, nor other project members. People who work together, should see each other in person. However, this is not always possible, for whatever reason. We built Frontify for webworkers so that they have an alternative to email discussions. (Because there is nothing worse than scrolling through long email chains and looking for a specific statement.)

This guidance shows you how you can discuss images, comps, wireframes, mockups or other design related project assets simply and in context.

Who is it for?

  • Clients who want to be part of a design or web project
  • Designers who want to discuss design iterations with their colleagues
  • Developers who want to get more precise instructions from designers
  • Project Managers who want their team to perform instead of being idle


Step 1

Drag & Drop your images or PDF documents into Frontify to upload them. Frontify supports the most file formats used in web projects, like PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PSD, PDF, JSON, TXT, MD, CSS, JS, ZIP, EOT, WOFF, TTF, SVG and AI.

Step 1: Upload your files to Frontify

Step 2

Open your asset and start annotating your image by dragging an area where you want to leave a comment. This is helpful because you don’t need to explain which button you meant, you can simply mark it.

Step 2: Annotate an image

Step 3

You can start a discussion by clicking on the annotation and writing your reply. Set an notification via Slack, Hipchat or Email to get informed when somebody replies on your comment.

Step 3: Start a discussion

About Frontify

Frontify is a place where designers and coders become friends. Hassle free design management will save you and your team valuable project time and reduce the cross-team confusion.



Brand Inside & Out

Our brand management platform connects creators and collaborators with everything they need to make their brand thrive.