Fear And Success Go Hand In Hand

Alexandra Chernyakhovskaya
Digital Chain Agency
4 min readSep 26, 2019

On September 22, 2019, the Digital Choo team has overcome the Race Nation Challenge. It is a well-known competition in Ukraine, offering its participants distance running, making their way through specially designed obstacles on land and water. Iryna Kurochkina, the Founder and CEO of Digital Choo, shared her impressions of the race at the request of the event organizers.

- Could you please share your impressions before and after the race? Did your expectations come true or was there something missing?

- Well, our “before” impression was fear. In its various forms. But fear and success go hand in hand. Always. You always need it to stay in shape so to say. The expectations, of course, came true. We did it!

The only thing that was missing was time for preparations. Time is our most valuable resource.

- Did the team like it too?

- My team is used to all kinds of challenges, even without any preparations. So, of course, everyone got an adrenaline rush.

- Can you please explain the benefits for companies in participating in Race Nation?

- Because of ambitions and desire for self-expression, people often forget that the strength of every team is in supporting each other. You can feel it here like nowhere else. When you and your team use team spirit to overcome difficulties, any challenges become much easier.

- How does participation and preparation for the race affect your team?

- Actually, I’ve already answered that question. Together, we’re super strong. The main thing is to understand that, overcoming the difficulties together. You know, to see their eyes sparkle from the anticipation of the challenges, to feel the tart-sweet taste of achieving the results, to feel pride in that. It’s an invigorating charge and an impetus to new victories over yourself — through fear, through understanding the power of the team spirit, its greatness and importance when dealing with difficult obstacles.

- How does the team’s participation impact your company’s operation?

- In our company, we used to savor the results together even if not everyone personally contributed to their achievement. The pride and inspiration of the new success of the team encourage everyone to personally take on the next challenge, no matter how difficult it may be. And we’re always happy when the team is growing, whether it’s for the Race Nation challenges or a new project.

- How far in advance do you plan preparations for the participation?

- Usually, from the very moment, the registration opens and up to the event itself. Many of us regularly participate in local and international marathons, while others are newcomers. It’s some kind of a very intense exchange of experience.

- Were there any fears or objections voiced by the team before the race?

- Well, no one will admit something like that. The most heated discussions were about the indemnity agreements to be signed before the race. Other than that, everybody was pretty cheerful. Everyone understood that this was not an easy walk, realizing their strengths and weaknesses. That’s exactly the time when you hope to get a hand from a person next to you. That’s what team is all about.

- How do you motivate your employees to participate in the race or any other sporting events?

- It’s pretty simple, I just say, “Who’s down for the challenge?” There are a lot of people who are ready to take it on, and it’s good to know that. It is also motivational in other aspects, like cultural and spiritual, or… the victory over yourself is more important than any awards and incentives. That’s how we roll.

- When we will see you next time?

- As soon as there’s a reason! The ball is in your court. The more reasons there are, the more often we meet and the more diverse the audience. And, you know, we are always eager and happy to take on interesting challenges.

Read also “Iryna Kurochkina: Digital Choo — Unconventional wisdom is needed to clear industry media hurdles”

