Oleg Profatylo: “Efficiency and boldness is a new norm”

Alexandra Chernyakhovskaya
Digital Chain Agency
3 min readNov 4, 2019

Working approaches to advertising for betting and gambling categories, things to avoid, how to create a concept for advertising, and how difficult is it all in the first place. Login Casino spoke about it with Oleg Profatylo, Chief Strategy Offiсer at the international marketing agency Digital Choo (DC).

Gambling advertising — what should it be like?

Efficient and bold. Just like that, together. Because many can do bright creatives and many can implement efficient under-the-radar marketing campaigns. But to create and implement an idea that will get in people’s minds and will bring sufficient results at the same time — that’s a real challenge. Digital Choo makes solutions like that a new norm, a benchmark for every project. Efficient and bold.

What must not be in gambling advertising, except for legal limitations?

That depends on the audience, geo, channel, and their respective features. For example, in one market, it’s pointless to appeal to the audience’s wish to have fun, to spend some good time — because this audience doesn’t think of betting as a hobby. For some other market, the promise of bonuses and the opportunity to make money will not work. Anyway, one shouldn’t state something that’s not true to the brand’s nature or services. Untruthful or exaggerated conditions, brand mismatch and so on are gross mistakes. They can undermine the audience’s trust in the brand, which is very difficult to restore.

How important is the bright picture, celebrities? Can there be advertising without it?

In our reality, as I have already said, advertising is something that looks cool and brings results. Now there is a huge issue of informational and advertising noise on the global market. To stand out, you need a bright picture. Brand ambassadors can also be an efficient addition to the campaign, but only if their image and values coincide with the brand, organically enhance its message. Otherwise, if the brand chooses the ambassador out of the blue, just because someone is famous at the moment, it will be an effort just for effort’s sake, not result.

How are concepts for gambling advertising created?

The concept is created during an intense brainstorm that is directed by the client’s goal and the data — about the market, the audience, trends, etc. Actually, that’s how any concept is created, business niche doesn’t make any difference — only brings its features to the picture.

Does an agency study the audience before creating advertising? How is it done, how long is the process?

Analytics is a very important step in the making of an advertising campaign. In average, it takes about a week, though it’s important to understand that this is a very rough estimate. Working for a new client, you have to conduct a complex analysis of the market, competition, target audience, etc., which can take more time. On the other hand, working for a regular client within the framework of strategic communication that you have developed yourself, you need only an update, which takes significantly less time. Anyway, the main question is, what is the goal we need to achieve.

Is it difficult to work with gambling advertising as a whole?

Gambling niche is a constant challenge, search for new approaches, creation of new solutions. This is a huge volume of creative work. The legal peculiarities, which we have left out of the frame for now, also mean a lot. We must carefully approach the adaptation of global ideas for local markets and scaling them to different channels. Is it difficult? We at Digital Choo choose another word — it is incredibly inspiring.

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Read also “How to ensure the effectiveness of creative solutions”

