The Results of the ADC*UA Club’s Meeting

Alexandra Chernyakhovskaya
Digital Chain Agency
4 min readNov 1, 2018

On October 11, a meeting of the ADC*UA jury members took place, in which awards and prizes for the best works in the INTERACTIVE & MOBILE, PROMOTIONS & NEW MEDIA categories were awarded.

More than 60 creators were represented among the jury this year, one of them was Vladimir Kobets, Creative Director of Digital Choo Marketing Agency.

Today, we increasingly strive to win not only the attention and love of the consumer but also to remain flexible to the trends, changes in the market, simultaneously solving marketing problems. If you have a lot of charisma, more than a creative project with a digital component — it is not the art’s limit. Maximum personalization, care, and complete openness can make the consumer fall in love and pay attention to your product.

“The magic ratio”. What kind of challenges were posed by ADC*UA for the participants this time?

The main task of any creative contest of today, yesterday and tomorrow will be to create solutions that have a core, have an idea, have a crystal-clear message, have a strong implementation, and have a little magic. It was this “magic ratio” that has influenced the outcome of the contest. There were cases that seemed to have everything you needed, but they did not evoke emotions greater than “Oh, it’s a good job.” They just lacked a piece of creative design magic. They lacked a single recipe for creating the elixir of the winner, while some focused on the purity of the digital product, on the impeccable UX, but completely forgot about the emotion and idea. Others, on the contrary, had an idea, but its technical implementation was not at the highest level. Therefore, I can safely say that the victory is somewhere in the middle: you need to keep balancing between the essence, framing, and the technical side of implementation. For me, this year there were few works with an unexpected, non-trivial embodiment. There were also just a few complicated programming works with innovative and non-standard focus.

It might be the general world trend “to simplify and dominate” or there might be a fear and danger of being misunderstood or to fall short.

I am sure that we have hundreds of cool programmers, designers, art directors, coders who implement projects on a global scale, but for some reason, they are afraid to reveal their full potential. The path of least resistance is always easier, but creating projects-avant-garde, projects-leaders and setting yourself unrealistic tasks-is a challenge indeed. Works that have coped with such challenges will be rewarded by the jury and the audience.

How decisions were made. About the choice of the winner, criteria of evaluation and subjectivity of the jury

Yes, it was difficult for us to determine the winner unanimously, as the opinions of the jury differed. Here are a number of criteria we have discussed and chosen the winning cases. I tried to prioritize them accordingly.

1. Idea

The presence of an idea and how well it delivers the message. In simple words: What is this project about? Why do we need it?

2. Tech

The use of technological “gimmick”. The non-trivial technical embodiment. After watching the case, the question should arise: “wow, how did they make it?!»

3. Magic

Magic. If the question arises in the head: “it’s cool, why didn’t I make this case?”- the work has all the chances to become a winner.

4. Craft

Good work smells like sweat and hard work. Members of the jury immediately see and feel how much work has been put by the creators of the project, how much attention they paid to the details, the little things that others just forgot or blew off. Indeed, the number of crafted cases was extremely small. One of those has won.

5. Practicality

We paid great attention to the practicality of the case, whether it is “fake”, how well and quickly it works on different platforms and browsers. How an adaptation for different desktops and mobile is built, how the project lives in a real environment, with slow computers, with the fabulous speed of our “almost 4G”.

Creativity and result. The Golden mean to get into the Short List

The project must solve the set task. We paid a lot of attention in the discussion to how logical and understandable is a tandem of a case + a brand. But there is one unbreakable rule — creativity cannot live by itself; there is simply no good creativity, detached from the brand, from the audience, and from the information field.

About personal inspiration and more

Being a member of the jury gives a great recharge, you get a unique chance to watch the work of the ace of the aces in our market, to evaluate them, to draw conclusions for your future projects. It’s priceless.

And, of course, communication with colleagues from your field is a huge motivator. We joke, argue, discuss, and share plans for the future.

Love Y’all!

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