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The Secret To Growing Your Business To Reach Digital Natives Online

When most hear about selling online they either think about the overused term “social selling” or they think about the infomercial style selling where brands push webinars, online courses and free downloads in consumers faces to get them on their email list so they can hammer them with email upsells and limited space available marketing crap.

I do believe in the power of social selling and know many people who do it well but the reason the other time of online selling works is because consumers have put up with it while realizing some of it might be valuable but most won’t. Well in 2018 the digital attention of consumers has shifted away from these tactics and consumers are looking at new ways to gain new experiences and connect with stories and marketing that they feel is important.

The Secret to Great Digital Storytelling!

Relatability! Why is most business done on the golf course at the hair salon or wherever else you are other than your actual physical work location. It’s because you become relatable and people connect with you at a much deeper level than what you do or what you’re selling. Sadly even though most of us understand this, when we move to digital and want to find similar results online we are only willing to talk about our work and want to appear perfect and have control of everything. Not only does that not work but it shouldn’t be a surprise because it doesn’t work offline either.

On this episode I pull from some examples I found last week while speaking at three unique events: Training Learning & Development Conference, Gi Sports Paintball Distributor Day and US Sailing Leadership Forum. All 3 events hired me, an outsider, to come in and give a keynote on the importance of digital storytelling and embracing change to grow with the digital native consumers. Although I wasn’t an expert in their industry or sport I was able to find examples and scenarios that they could understand and all 3 events went amazingly well and it’s because I was able to be relatable.

Podcast is recorded LIVE on Facebook Live & Periscope each week or you can listen above or on iTunesStitcherGoogle Play OttoRadioSoundCloud iHeartRadio

After listening to this episode I want you to ask yourself, what works for selling my product or service or business offline and how can I take who I am and what sells offline and include that in my digital story online.

“3 out of 4 Millennials would choose to spend their money on an experience rather than buying something desirable.” Via Eventbrite: The Experience Movement: Research Report

To create a great experience online and tell your story in a way that connects with those outside your close circle or business community you must be vulnerable, you must find ways to tell your story and ultimately your success will be determined by your ability to be relatable!

Here’s a short Linkedin Video I did on the topic as well…

Want to hire me to keynote your event or host your conference email him at

This was first posted on my website:



Brian Fanzo | Digital Futurist, Speaker, Ai Artist
Virtual Event, Webinars and Interactive Online Presentation

Digital Futurist — Keynote Speaker — Host of NFT 365 the first Daily NFT podcast, Creator of the ADHD Coin, ADHD SuperPowered Girl Dad and Pittsburgh Sports Fan