Me/We Narrative

Kaylee Largay
2 min readAug 3, 2016


Before coming to the Salzburg Academy, I thought I knew everything I needed to know about myself. I was wrong. I am someone who truly wants to make an impact on the world and use entertainment as a means to change the world in some way-whether that application is on small or large scale. I am honest, caring, forgiving, friendly, and have a huge heart. I am an optimist, sometimes realist, and I like to find the good in everyone. I never realized my good qualities until now. I have gained an unwavering confidence in my qualities. I come from a small town in Western Massachusetts in the United States. I stayed in the same town I was born in until college where I ended up transferring to Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts. At Emerson, I have garnered my love for entertainment and communicating with others.

I have found my community within Emerson and outside of Emerson and that is the LGBTQ+ community. I never really felt completely part of the community until Emerson, because I was usually the only one of my friends that belonged to this community, and bisexuality was never “gay enough”, whatever that means. I was always different from my straight friends and I was still different from my gay friends. This community is meaningful to me now because it is one of support and love. I think recently, the media has influenced this community in a positive light to the point where many young people are accepting of the community, but clearly not everyone is accepted yet. Although the media has put in effort to tell Gay and Lesbian stories, Bisexual, Trans, and people that fall under the umbrella of “Q+” are often left behind in mainstream media. Usually, the community functions cohesively, but some people do not believe in other’s identities, so even in this regard, progress still needs to be made within and outside of the community. Hopefully, the media can provide outlets for everyone in this community so that everyone’s stories are shared and that progress is made. People of every geographic community are part of the LGBTQ+ community and it is very intersectional in that way. We are not bound by borders, we are just connected by the ideas of acceptance, tolerance, and love.



Kaylee Largay

public relations, marketing, entrepreneurial spirit. Emerson College student. Fellow of the Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change. Fan of dogs & music.