Building My First PC

Charles Yeung
5 min readSep 19, 2018


The product I chose to make for my maker’s project was a desktop. As a reference to building my pc, I looked up a beginners guide, a blogging website called linustechtips. The link can be found here. I chose this link to all the other ones available due to the fact that everything was very well explained to beginners. The author tailors the instructions to beginners by speaking clearly and concisely, however explaining thoroughly whenever the situation rose up. I learned a lot using this guide and would highly recommend it to others looking to build their own pc.

Looking back at it now, picking the parts were the hardest part of building the pc. It was like there were picture puzzles scrambled into one massive pile, and I had to find all the pieces that could work well together in order for the final build to work. To help me find all the parts that synchronized well together, I found another website that enabled me to do so by limiting your choice options each time to select a part. The website is can be found here.

When the parts came in, the first thing I did was carefully tear open all the boxes. Then I watched the provided youtube video again just to make sure I didn’t forget any steps. However because it was my first time, I opted to build the computer outside of the case and then slot it into the case afterward. Doing so allowed to me maneuver parts more flexible and ensure that everything works before I ended up putting everything into the case. When I made sure the all the parts functioned normally and the computer could be booted up, I proceeded to insert all of it inside the case. I felt that this way is much easier than building it inside the case, building it in the case feels very advanced since you need a bit of foresight on how all the parts would fit together inside the case. After the physical setup was done, I proceeded to install my software. The entire process went smoothly.

The final product turned out amazing, its performance capability is many times faster than my current laptop. In terms of the website’s instructions, other than picking different parts and assembling it outside first, I followed it to a T. The instructions were clear and concise, other than it being easier to build outside beforehand I wouldn’t really change anything on the given instructions.

The internet, making information so easily accessible through the vast library of possible sources, really helped me out in my endeavor of building my own pc. Without the internet, it would be extremely difficult to accomplish my project. The only sources I could rely on would be books and people with prior experience of assembling computers, however, with how rapidly technology is changing, many books would be outdated almost as soon as they come out.

In my participation in this project, the aura of the work would be considered as the assembly of manufactured parts. Looking at the pc, you are hard pressed to find any human traces on it, as it is a fully functioning machine, that looks like it came straight out of a factory.

The product I chose to make for my maker’s project was a desktop. As a reference to building my pc, I looked up a beginners guide, a blogging website called linustechtips. The link is as follows: I chose this link to all the other ones available due to the fact that everything was very well explained to beginners. The author tailors the instructions to beginners by speaking clearly and concisely, however explaining thoroughly whenever the situation rose up. I learned a lot using this guide and would highly recommend it to others looking to build their own pc.

Looking back at it now, picking the parts were the hardest part of building the pc. It was like there were picture puzzles scrambled into one massive pile, and I had to find all the pieces that could work well together in order for the final build to work. To help me find all the parts that synchronized well together, I found another website that enabled me to do so by limiting your choice options each time to select a part. The website is as follows.

When the parts came in, the first thing I did was carefully tear open all the boxes. Then I watched the provided youtube video again just to make sure I didn’t forget any steps. However because it was my first time, I opted to build the computer outside of the case and then slot it into the case afterward. Doing so allowed to me maneuver parts more flexible and ensure that everything works before I ended up putting everything into the case. When I made sure the all the parts functioned normally and the computer could be booted up, I proceeded to insert all of it inside the case. I felt that this way is much easier than building it inside the case, building it in the case feels very advanced since you need a bit of foresight on how all the parts would fit together inside the case. After the physical setup was done, I proceeded to install my software. The entire process went smoothly.

The final product turned out amazing, its performance capability is many times faster than my current laptop. In terms of the website’s instructions, other than picking different parts and assembling it outside first, I followed it to a T. The instructions were clear and concise, other than it being easier to build outside beforehand I wouldn’t really change anything on the given instructions.

The internet, making information so easily accessible through the vast library of possible sources, really helped me out in my endeavor of building my own pc. Without the internet, it would be extremely difficult to accomplish my project. The only sources I could rely on would be books and people with prior experience of assembling computers, however, with how rapidly technology is changing, many books would be outdated almost as soon as they come out.

Walter Benjamin would not have approved of my claim of this project having an aura. However, I disagree. In the building of this desktop, I have chosen between a lot of different crossroads, different parts, different layout, different look etc. The aura this machine exudes is just a different kind of aura, instead of an artsy one, this one gives off a steampunk, industrial revolution vibe.

Final Product

Chicken, S. (2015, December 10). Building your First PC. Retrieved September 14, 2018, from

Carmichael, P. (n.d.). PCPartPicker. Retrieved from

