Twitter failure

Cesar Armas
Digital Culture Fall 2017
3 min readNov 29, 2017

List of Tweets this semester:

PCMR Culture, a community that’s obsessed with RGB, Intel/AMD memes, and beastly gaming performance. #Digiculture2K17


Artwork is representative of culture. #Digiculture2K17


Paul Baron -Electrical Engineer -Computer Networking-CS -Packet Switching #Digiculture2k17

Paul Baron

The conception of the internet was brought upon by the collaboration of several hard working people with one common goal. #digiculture2k17

This is the complete list of tweets that I have made this semester. This is excluding two others that were simply links to my medium posts for other remix projects. In total, I have 6 tweets linked to my profile.

As far as the tweets that I do have, I would say that their understanding of the course material is sufficient. The first two date back to ideas of what we believed to be digital culture, or what we thought were examples of digital culture in our everyday lives. A picture of my PC to represent the PCMR was a great example, as it was something that embodied an online digital culture that was prevalent and thriving. However, my post about art and culture was particularly generic and un-insightful. While art is a part of culture, I wouldn’t say that I developed a strong enough idea to convey I really understood how or why it was a part of culture. Perhaps further evaluation and explanation would have helped my tweet. My third tweet was regarding the history of the internet. This post was a well-organized, succinct post about Paul Baron, one of the internets many founders. This tweet is strong because it outlines his role in the development of the internet as well as his expertise and his professional career. The way in that this tweet does fall short is that it doesn’t have any context. It simply states the name and without any context seemingly meaningless job titles. I could’ve made better use of the allowed characters and perhaps given some background as to what the tweet is about. The last tweet, is concerning the same topic. It is an idea about the upbringing of the internet. This tweet is not a very good one. It states a very general idea, with a very cliché tie together. It doesn’t necessarily provide any insight about my ideas about what the development of the internet was about. I could’ve been much more specific and this would’ve helped my tweet a lot.

All in all, I would say that this round up of tweets is very disappointing. This brings up a couple of struggles that I’ve realized throughout the semester. For one, I am not a social media person. I haven’t had social media since early high school and have never found a good use for it since then. Tweeting something was hard for me as it was completely out of the ordinary for myself, and I just never got the habit down. Although each week had a “twitter challenge” I never felt that it was either emphasized enough or that it was even a serious part of the course. It just seemed like an afterthought/gimmick because of the nature of twitter. I wish I could’ve done better on this assignment than I did, and that I utilized the tool more effectively. Social media is a strong tool for sharing ideas and connecting with others, this is the biggest take away from the twitter journal for me, however it appears not as many people use it for the spreading of intellectual ideas.

Grading Scale:


My points:

I tweeted enough to cover the criteria assignment.


I was effective in presenting my own understandings of the course materials


My tweeting shows a progression of my own understanding of digital culture.




