Twitter Postmortem Project

Lukas Proffen
Digital Culture Fall 2017
3 min readNov 29, 2017

Best Understanding:

Worst Understanding:

The tweets that reflected my best understanding of the readings did so because they effectively dealt with the concept of the reading in the allotted number of characters. The tweets that I felt were the best expanded on ideas presented in the readings, instead of just restating them. An example of this is Benjamin’s concept of “aura”. Two of my tweets dealt with this concept, however the one that I felt did a better job of conveying the idea of “aura” explained it effectively, while the other tweet merely stated that the example I gave “had an aura”. I did feel that throughout the year, my understanding of what digital culture is has grown because I have learned many terms and ideas I was not previously aware of. With some of my tweets, I felt that I could have put more effort into explaining the concepts I touched on, and I also left tweets for some weeks to the last minute, which often meant they were not as good as others. There were also instances where I forgot to tweet for a week, which left me with four or more tweets to do in one week. This meant that I would rush to finish them, and harmed the quality of certain tweets. One way that I feel the tweets could have been used more effectively in class is if we had started discussions in class by having people share the tweets they had most recently posted. That way, people would have been able to receive constructive criticism and improve their understanding of the readings. Overall, in-class discussion of our tweets would have helped connect them more effectively to the course. Doing more group related twitter projects (from what I remember we only did one) would have also helped in my opinion. Retweeting the tweets from other people that you think had the most effective arguments would also have been a good activity to get people involved with each other on twitter. I think that the twitter journal was a good idea to get people to engage with the readings we had outside of class, but I think what would have made it even more effective was if we tied it into classroom activities more frequently.


I tweeted enough to cover the criteria assignment 4/4

I was effective in presenting my own understandings of the course materials 2/3

My tweeting shows a progression of my own understanding of digital culture 3/3

Total: 9/10

