Reality can be so complex that equally valid observations from differing perspectives can appear to be contradictory.

SiMyer Patrice
4 min readSep 16, 2014

Is the definition of reality postmodernism.

Is this the “Real” You ?

Have you ever felt like everything around you was not real? Or that you were in a different world of your own? Have you ever asked yourself did this happen to me? The true definition of reality is subject to questioning. This is just like one drunk night a dear friend of mind was not her self. She was violent and emotional. I questioned her true personality. Was this the “real” her? Or was the alcohol possessing her to make her act or to see thing differently? The old saying is that alcohol brings out the honesty in you.

Well does your environment, your history, your financial situation, play a factor of what reality we live in? My reality and a superstar’s reality are completely opposite. Whereas i have to go to work everyday to make a living and they may not. In the text “The Babysitter” written by Robert Coover, and The X’-Files’ episode “Jose Chung’s From Outter Space” (1996) both express different realities of love and life.

The Truth is really out There!

The X-Files episode “Jose’ Chung’s from Outter Space” (1996)conveys many versions of what may fact or fiction. It begins with a theme of love. Harold and Chrissy are going on a date, and Harold tells Chrissy he loves her. Of course when a man tells you he loves you on the first date he wants something from you. Harold telling Chrissy he loves her is a form of control (telling her what he thinks she wants to hear so he can get what he wants). Suddenly a UFO comes from out of nowhere and to aliens come to abduct Harold and Chrissy. This dramatic scene change is only the beginning of what may have happened and what happened.

The episode “Jose’ Chung’s from Outter Space” (1996) goes on to try to make clear of what really took place. Everyone's perspective of the situation at hand are unalike. In one scene after being questioned about what happened Harold goes to say “If her dad finds out he will kill me!” This answers leads the viewer to think that maybe they had consensual sexual activity.

Maybe they were truly disturbed by something that caused them to have different views on what happened that night. Or maybe this was just the “X-files Effect” Gerri R. Lucas explains this as: the science fictionalization of trauma. In a nutshell when someone experiences a traumatic event, memory of what happened is destroyed during that event. So what really happened is re-illustrated with popular fictional stories. This is a logical explanation of what happened.

Who is Your Babysitter?

The babysitter in Robert Coover’s “The Babysitter” (1995) comes to the Tucker’s home to watch their 3 kids Jimmy, Bitsy, and the baby. Which seems to be normal night becomes the true meaning of postmodernism. Mr. Tucker, Jack, and the babysitter all have different concepts of what really took place that night. In one insane scene the babysitter is being raped by her boyfriend Jack and his friend. But in Mr. Tucker’s head he interrupts the babysitter having sex and for him to keep the secret he wants to have sex with her also. The drama gets even more chaotic, when the babysitter allows the baby to drown. The entire story goes on swapping from perspective to perspective. Coover wants to allow the reader the responsibility to decide the fate of the story. Was it all a good night or did all hell really break loose.

Who’s Reality is really reality?

Postmodernism is the central idea of the “X-files” and Coover’s The Babysitter. According to postmodernism is that the study of people and culture is open to bias and subjectivity. Everyone’s story in “The Babysitter” is questionable because we have no concrete evidence. The same goes for “The X-files” Chrissy and Harold’s story are both doubtful due to the uncertainty of the two.

