Artificial Intelligence & Taxis: A South African 2030 Vision.

Kutloano Sowazi
Digital Design God
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2017

Credits: Driving News

Human-centred design is at the forefront of the 4th Industrial Revolution. And the application of Artificial Intelligence is key to harnessing this power.

How might we apply AI from a UX perspective to taxis?

Artificial Intelligence?

The layman term I would nutshell Artificial Intelligence as , “ The end of human-based productivity and the beginning of unparalleled processing power”.

Imagine ugibeli’taxi (catch a taxi) and the taxi is a fully automated . From the processing of each customers fare to the driverless route automation to ensure a safe,smooth journey.

The machine-learning algorithms place a consistent emphasis on route optimization hardly making a wrong turn and even re-calculating fuel efficiency based on previous route history. No commuter ever stressed , no taxi-owner ever worried about fare collection. No drivers worried about routes.

Wow. Sounds like a great idea. If you never caught a taxi before in South Africa.

The Current 2017 Taxi User Experience

Disclaimer: *speaking of my own experience having caught a taxi for a while to work when my car was not a viable option economically. I do not speak on behalf of all regular taxi commuters.

1.) If you don’t know where to catch (rank,stop) the taxi , the user journey has ended for you.

2.) If you do know where to catch the stop but use the wrong hand gesture for the taxi you are going to land up in the wrong place.The user journey has ended for you.

3.) If you do know the right stop ,right hand gesture.The user journey has begun

4.) If you give the taxi-marshal (the drivers right hand man) less than your fate rate . The user journey has ended , you are in trouble.

5.) If you are unable to call your drop-off using the correct language (ask regular taxi commuters) you are going to land up either too far or too near your final destination.

6.) In the event of you successfully completing 1–5 without fail , you have a fair chance of being able to reach your destination. Repeat user-journey 365 times consistently for 12 months and you will understand AI for taxis is more likely in 2040 then in 2017.

So as a UX Designer tackling this challenge , what underlying assumptions can you make?

User Assumptions

A User Persona is a a UX tool often used by us UX Designers to create a fictional set of users that most accurately reflect the real daily users our client has.

So a UX Designer who is in their late thirties , who grew up in a predominantly middle-class suburb not catching taxis, is unlikely to be able to relate on an economical,social,mental and even conversational level with a real taxi commuter.

The underlying assumptions even with their most noble intentions with pixel-perfect visuals are going to be inaccurate in the face of a real taxi commuter for you as a UX Designer.

So why do I suggest 2040 as UX Designers we can apply AI to Taxis in South Africa ?

The 2030 Vision

1.) AI is as common as a seeing a Hilux on a farm in Bloemfontein.

2.) The UX Designer of 2040 would have grown up knowing what it means to be both a long-time commuter of taxis and a person who has financed their own vehicle.

3.) Their ability to emphathise as a UX Designer before any UX Work is one will effectively enable them to engage with the problems of catching a taxi more effectively.


As a UX Designer irrespective of age,race,social-strata or gender you need to remember one thing.

Experience as UX Designer is not only meausred by your body of work, but what you personally have experienced in relation to the problem at hand.

If you have not experienced catching a taxi ,how can you as UX Designer help solve a problem in catching one.

