A simple thing you can do to save the world: use Linux

How you can reward innovation, energize our economy, and protect our environment all with one simple act

Michael Greiner
Digital Diplomacy


Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

There’s an old joke I once heard. A helicopter was flying through the fog, completely lost. In an act of desperation, the pilot called down to someone on the ground asking where they were.

“You’re in a helicopter,” the passerby responded.

“Ah, we’re over Microsoft,” the pilot exclaimed.

Puzzled, the passenger asked “how do you know that?” The pilot explained that whenever you ask anything of Microsoft, technically they’re correct, but they’re never of any help.

That joke probably suffered in the retelling, but it joins my physician jokes (what do you call the physician who graduated last in his class in medical school? Doctor) and my Democratic party jokes (as Will Rogers said, I’m not a member of an organized political party, I’m a Democrat) to express my frustration with flawed institutions I am forced to rely upon.

My friends and family are probably tired of hearing me complain endlessly about how much I hate Microsoft, and yet I keep buying their products. For years I have looked longingly at Macintosh computers, indeed ever since I was first exposed…



Michael Greiner
Digital Diplomacy

Mike is an Assistant Professor of Management for Legal and Ethical Studies at Oakland U. Mike combines his scholarship with practical experience in politics.