AI vs. Programmers: Will Developers be Replaced?

Norman Teo
Digital Diplomacy
Published in
5 min readAug 10, 2023

Will AI replace programmers? This is a question that is on the minds of many computer science students and industry professionals.

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world of work, and programming is no exception. Many workers went to the networking site to discuss about this issue and share their fears. So, will it?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Maybe yes.

It is possible that AI will eventually replace some developers, but it is unlikely AI will completely replace developers in the near future.

It is natural to be afraid

Some people do programming for the money, some do it for fun while some do it because they enjoy the challenge of problem-solving and creating new things. Passionate programmers fear their skills will go to waste in the age of AI.

There are number of reasons why some people are skeptical about the impact of AI on programming jobs:

  • Early AI Stage: Although AI development is in its early stage, but we can already see the changes it brings on the world. It is uncertain how well it will be able to replicate human programmers’ skills.
  • Task Automation: Current AI-powered tools are already automating many of the tasks that we human used to do. It raises concerns about the homogenization of the programming field as AI-generated code becomes more and more common.
  • The jump of GPT models: The jump from GPT-3 to GPT-4 was massive. The ability of GPT-4 generates efficient code from natural language prompts worries lots of programmers.

When sophisticated language models like GPT-6 comes, it will have a major impact on the programming landscape. Low-level programming tasks could become automated as AI becomes better at generating code and handling routine tasks.

The actual aims of AI development

The intention of developing AI is to benefit and empower humanity rather than eradicate it. This means that AI should be used to solve problems and improve people’s lives, not to harm them. AI should be developed in a way that conforms to ethical principles and that does not pose a threat to humanity.

Artificial Intelligence is not a substitute for human intelligence; it is a tool to amplify human creativity and ingenuity. — Fei-Fei Li

Just imagine that everything gets automated and everyone lose jobs, that is a scary situation that we would never want to witness. It will lead to many potential consequences such as increased poverty, increased crime, social unrest and political instability.

If one day that really happens, and AI takes over everything, I hope we can unplug it. Just kidding, but not really. One thing for sure, we would need to do something, because that would be a pretty messed up world.

The multi-faceted role of programmer

Programming is not just about writing code. It is also about understanding the problem that you are trying to solve and then designing a solution that meets the needs of the user.

Here are some of the important things that programmers do beyond code:

  • Understanding user needs and documentation
  • Project management and prioritization
  • Designing software architecture
  • Data collection and management
  • Code testing and quality assurance
  • Iteration and continuous improvement
  • Software optimization for efficiency

All of these tasks require communication and collaboration with other people. The programmer needs to talk to the clients, the testers, the administrators and the benefactors. Some aspects of programming can be automated, but not all.

Possible impacts

Here are some of the possible impacts that AI may have on programming, both positive and negative:

  • Impact on Programming Entry: AI can automate many of the tasks that are currently done by entry-level programmers, such as writing simple code and debugging. This could lead to a decrease in the number of entry-level jobs.
  • Boosting Productivity: AI can help programmers with tasks like code generation, testing and debugging. This free up programmers to focus on more creative and strategic tasks.
  • Impact on Job Opportunities: On the one hand, AI can boost programmer productivity, which means that we can achieve the same goal with fewer programmers. This could lead to job losses. On the other hand, AI can also new jobs that didn’t exist before such as maintaining AI-powered software and work on AI-powered projects.
  • Shifting Skills Focus: As AI takes over some of the coding tasks, programmers need to focus more on skills like problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity to make them more attractive to employers.
  • End of Mediocre Programming Era: In the past, programmers could get by with minimum coding skills. As AI automates programming tasks, there will be more demand for skilled programmers who can think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

The worst case scenario is that AI will become so advanced one day that it will be able to do everything that humans can do or even more. Despite all of these, we believe there will be still some need for humans to supervise and audit what the AI is doing.


AI is changing the way we develop software and programmers who are unwilling to adapt to these changes may be left behind. As time will tell, it is only a matter of time before AI becomes capable of replacing some programmers.

It is shortsighted to predict what happens now. In a year or two, we may have a better understanding of the impact of AI on the programming field. Until then, it is important for programmers to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in AI and to be prepared to adapt to the changing landscape.

If you’re passionate about programming, then go for it and you are likely to be able to find a way to make a living doing it. The world needs more skilled programmers. There is still a lot of demand for skilled programmers today.

I’m not afraid of AI taking over the world. Instead, I’m more worried about it taking over my job. Can you imagine a world where robots do all the work? We would all be stuck working at McDonald’s. But hey, at least the food would be consistent!



Norman Teo
Digital Diplomacy

Computer Science student with a passion for writing about tech and life experiences.