An Optimized Instagram Funnel

An Instagram piece of content is a whole, and every element serves different purposes.

Charles Tumiotto Jackson
Digital Diplomacy


Photo by Shengjun Shi on Unsplash

1. The Visual — Here to interrupt the vertical scroll

Instagram is a visual platform. That’s why you should pay attention to the visual quality of your posts.

The visual needs to interrupt the mindless vertical scroll of a user.

The user needs to stop and take a few seconds to consume your content.

Here are a few tips:

Post vertical 4:5 images or videos. They occupy more screen real estate, which increases the chances of a user to stop on your content.

If you are posting a video, make sure your thumbnail looks attractive. The thumbnail will appear for less than a second before the video starts auto-playing. Having a good-looking thumbnail can make a big difference, especially if your video’s introduction is rather slow.

Prefer bright pictures. They tend to perform better than highly contrasted, dark shots.

2. The Caption — Where the Value is

Posting only a visual won’t be enough.



Charles Tumiotto Jackson
Digital Diplomacy

Content Marketer, willing to put the “social” back in Social Media. Let's talk about Social Media Marketing →