Certified Government Blockchain Consultant / Specialist — Takeaways

Benjamin M. Brown
Digital Diplomacy
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2018

About 3 weeks ago in San Juan, I spent 5 days and over 60 hours in training with 20+ professionals learning how to navigate blockchain solutions related to government projects.

The training was provided by the Government Blockchain Association chapter in San Juan.

I came into the training with a background in tech and little experience in government projects. With the blockchain tech already under my belt, the focus was on learning how to navigate the people, processes, and timelines related to government projects.

Over the course of the multiple full-day training sessions, I became more aware of the utility of blockchain technology to help governments, and further understood the real barriers which government entities and the people managing them are experiencing.

Benjamin M. Brown leading Smart Contract demonstrations for Global Blockchain Association training

The most valuable takeaways I gained came from the intense and insightful discussions that were had with my fellow professionals in the room. We came from different backgrounds including former and current Puerto Rican government officials, U.S. mainlanders, legal, and banking experts. We were a mixture of tech and non-tech backgrounds.

Everyone had a unique and valuable perspective to offer. We were all looking for ways to make our respective governments and municipalities more effective for taxpayers.

One thing we all ended up agreeing upon was the potentially transformative ability of blockchain technology as applied with to government and public sector systems.

Helping Others Understand Smart Contracts

Since my background is tech-heavy and my new business endeavor ChainWave is an Ethereum Blockchain Development business, I took the initiative to run an impromptu smart contract training session for the group.

I provided a cursory overview of smart contract tools and procedures using the Ethereum blockchain. Using Ethereum Smart Contracts, I created a brand new “Government Blockchain Association Token” ERC20 token, live.

As a result of the session, the group’s understanding of the simplicity and elegance of blockchain technology became more concrete.

Benjamin M. Brown of ChainWave, creating a new ERC-20 Token in real-time.

Leveraging Ethereum Blockchain Technology in the Public Sector

With my new business, ChainWave, we are going to be spending time exploring how to interact with government entities and leverage Ethereum’s blockchain tech to create win-win-win situations for all stakeholders. We have the technology and our new goal is to find responsible and effective ways to use it.

If you’re interested in discussing how blockchain tech can create more secure, transparent, auditable, and efficient government systems , contact me: benjaminmbrown@protonmail.com

Here’s my formal listing as a Certified Government Blockchain Consultant/Specialist, issued by the Government Blockchain Association:



Benjamin M. Brown
Digital Diplomacy

Ethereum / Blockchain Developer, Data Viz, Decentralized Apps (dApps), Founder: ChainWave