Twitter users ideas on what #ShouldBeInTheConstitution

Crowdsourcing the Constitution

The “wisdom of the crowd” provides insights on six specific constitutional changes that might be needed to fix American governance in the coming years

David C. Wyld
Digital Diplomacy
Published in
7 min readNov 22, 2020


Photo by John Bakator on Unsplash

In a very good Harvard Business Review article just this summer, entitled “Fixing U.S. Politics,” political expert Katherine M. Gehl, coauthor of the recent book, The Politics Industry, and legendary business strategist Michael E. Porter concluded their piece in the following manner:

“There is no greater threat to American economic competitiveness and social progress — no greater threat to the combination of free-market economies and liberal democracies that has delivered more human advancements than any other system — than our passive acceptance of a failed political system.”

Many times not just over the past few weeks, but over the past few years, there have been serious questions raised about just how much of what we see today in the world of politics is being done and whether some…



David C. Wyld
Digital Diplomacy

David C. Wyld is a Professor of Strategic Management & Consultant. Follow him here on Medium for his latest publications. He supports his fellow Medium writers.