Digital Diplomacy and Influence in India

Prateek Singh
Digital Diplomacy
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2020

In the era of digitization, globalization and technological advancement, there is also a separate era where the leaders and diplomats are going digital. More than 72% heads of states and more than 4500 embassies and ambassadors round the globe have twitter and Facebook accounts and use social media with energies. Digital Diplomacy can be defined as the digital interaction between the diplomats and the society.


Digital media especially Twitter is used by the diplomats to influence the audience. This is very evident here in India where Prime Minister Narendra Modi has surpassed traditional mediums to interact with the nation or to make any announcement public, be it the gratitude after election or condolences or the anger to the terrorist attacks. Leaders of different nations follow each other and greet each other on social media only. Leaders follow a trend of starting a hashtag(#) in order to spread an awareness about a social cause or for their campaign. India was ranked in top 10 nations using social media extensively, India and Mexico being the only developing nations in the list. International relations have been profoundly affected by the digital presence.

Credit: Indiatvnews

20th century was depicted as the clash of ideologies whereas 21st century can be summarized in one word - information.

All the government information are easily available digitally and for free. Digital revolution has effected the international trade relations as well. Year 2016 was a remarkable year when the digital platform turned out to be a revolution. Since then, every political party made their presence on social media trying to influence the audience of the nation.

Though, the types of posts and videos on social media depend on the likes and dislikes of the user. If the user follows a particular party, then he will find all the videos and posts related to that particular party and all the negative portraying posts of the opposite parties. This technique of the social media puts a remarkable impact in influencing the user. Various political cartoon channels on YouTube like SoSorry, OMG etc. plays a vital role in influencing the nation. The latest Delhi elections is a powerful example of the Digital Diplomacy and influences using the digital platforms let it be the Hanuman Mandir issue or be it the “Rinkiya ke papa” song. The effect of these influencers and posts may show their impact in elections deciding the future of the country as well that particular party.

