Medical Technology

History and Performance of Pacemaker: Literature Review

Let’s explore the Medical Technology story

Digital Diplomacy
Published in
5 min readDec 12, 2020


Many deaths have been caused due to cardiovascular diseases for decades. The heart we call a pumping machine is also called a vital organ which function is to pumping blood and gather oxygen (O2) in our body. Historically the cure to fight against heart diseases was quite impossible as years have passed. Now we have come across various treatments that support the heart from numerous diseases. Now a day’s these treatments with countless drugs and technologies are in the light of research.

There are various experiments historically performed by many scientists on electrical therapy. The first experiment of electrical therapy is done by Danish physicist Nickolev in 1775 in which he put electrodes on hen and apply electric spark on his head as a result that Hen died on the spot he tried it again on dead Hen and this time he placed the electrodes on its chest, the hen stand up at its feet.

In 1791 Luigi Galvani proposed findings related to electrical stimulation on frog’s muscles and heart muscles to contribute to cardiac electrophysiology. In 1797 Alexander von Humboldt tried electric shock on the dead bird that caused the bird to flap its wings and get ready to walk.



Digital Diplomacy

I love to write on diverse topics, I am an engineering and business graduate. Learning new things is my passion.