Introducing Deep Learning Sessions Lisbon

An Artificial Intelligence meetup hub in the middle of sunny Lisbon.

Lucas Soares
Digital Diplomacy
Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2020


The Deep Learning revolution that took over the world in the last few years has changed the landscape of computation. The fascination with this technology is not restricted to academia or industry and people all around the globe have developed a growing interest in understanding the inner workings of these models.

Here in Portugal, this transformation has been as strong as ever and a while back a group of curious students and AI enthusiasts created the “Deep Learning Sessions” meetup group — A community in Lisbon that revolves around the intriguing challenge of unraveling the mysteries of Deep Learning by hosting free events to gather experts to discuss the field and share their experience.

How It All Started

The founders of our group passed us the torch after leaving to pursue their academic careers. The original creators of the group were:

Cátia Fortunato

Cátia is a biomedical engineer that found her true passion in the endless task of understanding how…



Lucas Soares
Digital Diplomacy

AI Engineer. I write about AI | Tools| Data Science | Productivity. Subscribe to my Youtube channel: