Lawmakers across the globe should be using version control

A simple and inevitable step to improve the lawmaking process.

SJ Porter
Digital Diplomacy
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2020


True patriots use Github.


Version control is the concept of digitally tracking changes in a document or set of documents over time. For example, a framework called git is one of the most widely used options for version control in the world. It’s used by developers across the world for managing code. Specifically, developers use it to coordinate hundreds of individuals making tens of thousands of changes to a relatively small set of documents.

And, on that note, what is code? It’s a set of instructions. The rules for how a system should behave. What is allowed, and what is not. Sounds a lot like the law, doesn’t it?

To me, it’s obvious that lawmakers should be using version control to manage the law. I think almost any developer would agree. There are benefits beyond measure, the technology has been vetted and refined over the past couple decades, and I honestly think that the US government (or any government) would benefit from using it. Governmental failures to react quickly in certain situations is due in part to their outdated and burdensome process for making changes to the law.



SJ Porter
Digital Diplomacy

Data/cloud engineer, musician, and gamer. Editor for Low Code for Advanced Data Science, writer for TDS and The Startup.