The Fascinating Story of the Computer That Got Us on the Moon

And the thousands of work-hours it took to sew it all together.

Nicolas Carteron
Digital Diplomacy


Source NASA

Man landed on the Moon on 20 July 1969. What was science-fiction only a decade earlier had become a reality in a matter of years thanks to the ingenuity, the dedication, and the sacrifices of so many brave and brilliant men and women.

The story of the space programme and its crowning achievement has always fascinated me. Seeing the Apollo 11 module land on the Moon, and then seeing Neil Armstrong take his “giant leap” always brings tears to my eyes. If you have never seen the original footage, please do yourself and favour and watch it:

Space exploration is, without a doubt, the greatest adventure of our history. It brought a new perspective on the fragility and…



Nicolas Carteron
Digital Diplomacy

I write about politics, business, society and culture on Medium. For startup/business content, check my newsletter: