The problems with nonprofit websites and how to fix them

Adam Walker
Digital Diplomacy
Published in
4 min readAug 11, 2020


Photo by Kevin Bhagat on Unsplash

Nonprofit friends, it’s time to rethink your website. It’s probably been on your list for a while now, but it’s daunting, so it gets delayed. Websites are easy to set and forget, thinking they are helping, when in fact, they are hurting the organization day by day, visit by visit. Let’s start to fix that.

What’s the problem with nonprofit websites?

Nonprofits do a lot of good in the world, congrats on that my friends! But, the amount of good nonprofits do, can also become their downfall when it comes to a website.

Bad storytelling

Often nonprofit websites are so concerned about telling all the things they do, that they lose the story about why they do it. Stories sell. That’s why authors are famous, and there are a million Marvel movies. People love stories, specifically stories they can become wrapped up in, becoming a part of them.

Most nonprofit websites forget to tell their story. In doing that, the site can’t retain a user’s attention, losing the user’s interest, dollars, volunteer time, etc.

Industry Jargon/Insider Language

Every industry has jargon. For example, when I first entered the nonprofit world from the software/marketing…



Adam Walker
Digital Diplomacy

Husband. Father of six. Wearer of fedoras. Serial entrepreneur. Nonprofit co-founder. I write about personal growth & leadership.