Using Instagram as an Introvert

Instagram doesn’t reward introversion. It ignores it.

Charles Tumiotto Jackson
Digital Diplomacy


Photo by Inga Seliverstova from Pexels

You’ve read all the articles, watched all the YouTube videos, listened to all the gurus, but you’re just too introverted and shy to make your Instagram game work.

It’s most likely the one thing that’s holding you back. You already know what to do. You understand how Instagram works. But every time you need to post or make a story, you feel anxious, you wonder what to say, and what you come up with doesn’t sound right.

And that’s totally normal. Social media platforms are populated with outgoing, extrovert people. You’re constantly exposed to people and influencers that seem to know what to say, that seem comfortable being open about their lives and problems.

Even if you could put out similar content, imagining having to deal with the constant flow of likes, comments and DMs terrifies you. Unlike real-life, interactions never stop on Instagram. There is no time to recharge.

I’m an introvert myself, and getting into the social media business was terrifying at first. But I learned how to do it and how to overcome my fear and anxiety of being overwhelmed by constant interactions.

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Charles Tumiotto Jackson
Digital Diplomacy

Content Marketer, willing to put the “social” back in Social Media. Let's talk about Social Media Marketing →