Why Netflix Got Hans Zimmer to Amp Up Their Ta-Dum Sound

While most brands stay on an eternal drive for a distinguishable brand recall virtue, Netflix has gone one step ahead by bringing a big change to their already vastly popular asset.

Anmol Bhotika
Digital Diplomacy
3 min readAug 28, 2020


Photo by CardMapr on Unsplash

In the present day, there is nothing more ubiquitous in a movie experience than the signature sound of the Netflix theme playing in the background of its logo. It is prevalent to such an extent that by reading till this point you would have probably heard it play in your head numerous times.

It’s a piece so unique to the brand that it makes it instantly recognizable among the plethora of our daily online activity. The “ta-dum” sound sets the tone for a dramatic event that is about to play out, fitting perfectly as the introduction to a show that you should be excited about watching. As it turns out, even the team of Netflix refers to it as “the ta-dum”. According to the VP of Product Todd Yellin, one of the close runners to the iconic sound was a goat sound. It is so absurd now to even imagine an alternate introduction to a Netflix show, but the team behind Netflix is not willing to stop here as they have escalated their four seconds of magic into an orchestra of brilliance in a genius branding move.

Take a look yourself, or more appropriately lend your ears to the new Netflix opening music that has been composed by the stalwart in sound, Hans Zimmer himself.

While the “ta-dum” is synonymous with a home theatre experience, Netflix has slowly but surely advanced into cinema halls, producing original films that have been getting theatrical releases, churning out Oscar-winners as well. A good brand is the one that stays up-to-date with its consumers on all platforms, and Netflix has recognized the one area where they can have an improvement.

As Tanya Kumar, brand design lead at Netflix, explained: “We were sitting in the theatre and the ‘ta-dum’ would come on and it would feel so short and so abrupt that you really didn’t quite understand what you saw before you right before the film.”

So they decided to incorporate a larger-than-life sonic branding, taking cognizance of the need in a theatrical setting. Here lies the brilliancy in their marketing.

Most marketers would keep using a creation that has gained as much popularity as the Netflix “ta-dum” on everything to further keep their brand recognizable, but a good marketer is aware of the need to evolve with times and make changes to their identity when the need arises. Netflix knew that improvements were essential to immerse its audiences in a cinema hall and that an audio identity is as crucial as a visual identity in this space.

And who could have been a better choice for this project other than the multiple Grammy and Academy Award-winning composer Hans Zimmer?

It is really amazing to see the way in which Netflix has evolved over the years, from their pioneering streaming service of watching films at home, to releasing theatrical blockbusters; from launching the “ta-dum” sound in 2015, to adapting to the changing times in such a short amount of time. This is truly a lesson for all budding marketers on how branding should be done.



Anmol Bhotika
Digital Diplomacy

Brain capacity filled with weird questions about life, the universe and everything. Writing on marketing, philosophy and all things creative.