Why You Should Never Trust a Free Proxy Server

Craig Hays
Digital Diplomacy
Published in
6 min readNov 6, 2020


Free and open proxy servers promise anonymous internet access, but at what cost?

Never trust an open proxy server
Photo by Mikael Seegen on Unsplash

In a world of ever-decreasing online privacy, it’s easy to get sucked into the ‘use an anonymous proxy to stay safe’ narrative. I’ve got nothing against using reputable proxy services or VPNs (virtual private networks), but the ‘free’ proxy services you find on the web can be anything but.

What’s the Difference Between a Proxy and a VPN?

People use proxies and VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) to hide their real IP address and masquerade as other devices on the internet. There are many reasons to do this including bypassing content geo-restrictions, bypassing government filters ( Great Firewall of China), bypassing censorship enforced by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), and hiding your real identity from others online.

Your standard internet connection gives you direct access to everything on the internet. Web pages, Skype and Zoom calls, online gaming, it all goes straight from your device to the final destination. To everyone else on the internet, you are you. Your access is limited to what your ISP and government will let you see. All of your traffic is from the country in which you reside.



Craig Hays
Digital Diplomacy

FinTech startup to £105 million acquisition. Now I make stuff and help people with cyber security. https://craighays.com