Digital Clinicians Network
Digital Clinicans Network
1 min readSep 16, 2020


Collaborate | Innovate | Advocate

We are a community for clinicians who are passionate about working in digital healthcare and driving innovation. Founded by four doctors who met working together in digital health, the DCN is a space to interact with healthtech clinicians, learn from each other and create a collaborative community.

Together we:

💠 Collaborate- Establish an environment for healthcare professionals to share ideas, insights and experiences of working in digital healthcare.

💠 Innovate- Provide a creative space for healthcare innovators and bridge the gap between clinical leadership and product development.

💠 Advocate- Support clinicians taking unconventional career paths. Advocate for patients to ensure healthcare solutions remain patient-centric and safe.

Who can apply to the DCN? Medical professionals with experience working within the healthcare technology or digital health space.

What can you expect from the DCN? As a DCN member you will be able to connect with other clinicians working within digital healthcare through the members portal on our website. We are planning remote and face-to-face events including meet & greets, educational sessions panel discussions and lots more. So please join this page & watch this space for our first event.

Sign up here



Digital Clinicians Network
Digital Clinicans Network

Collaborate | Innovate | Advocate — We are a community for clinicians who are passionate about working in digital healthcare and driving innovation.