A leap of faith

Lisa Trickey
Digital Dorset
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2022

To become a modern council we have to be less risk adverse, be brave, and sometimes take a leap of faith. At Dorset council we talk a lot about experimenting, having a go, and exploring how many right ideas there are to solve a problem.

Mindset is key, we talked on the digital Dorset podcast this week about a mindset of ‘just say yes’.

To enable us to transform as an organisation a growth mindset is crucial, challenging our own beliefs of what is/can be possible.

We need to accept that things aren’t always going to work out, and we must learn and adapt, working together, building resilience.

Coaching and mentoring is a great way to help you navigate this and Dorset council is committed to growing its coaching culture. Having someone help you think deeply, question and explore, even when uncomfortable at times, I would recommend to everyone.

So as the week ended I took my leap of faith.

What would I do differently next time?

  1. Not let go so soon
  2. Think about getting down before getting on
  3. It’s good to have people around you to pick you up and keep you going
  4. Be risk aware not risk adverse

Luckily, only a mild concussion and bruising this time. It would be easy to say ok I won’t try that again, but where would the fun be in that!

What have you learnt from failure this week?

