Knowing my Why — leading with purpose

I have worked at Dorset Council for over 22 years but why?

Delia Carr
Digital Dorset
2 min readMar 9, 2022


I truly believe in the Council vision and want to play my part in making ‘Dorset, a great place to live, work and visit’. The purpose of my role plays into all 3 areas. I help to design services for residents, I support those who work for the council improve their own digital skills and I help to promote visiting Dorset.

My purpose is to help and support colleagues to experiment and try new tools for new ways of working by giving them the skills and confidence they need. I get great satisfaction from this. I look forward to supporting managers become modern leaders to lead with purpose in future and in turn help their teams find their own why.

We all need to know what we are doing and why we we are doing it. The Digital Team have created a digital vision to align to. Putting people and their needs first using design and modern technology to improve people’s lives.

Our Digital Vision — themes — Dorset Council

Our the purpose is clear and we share it regularly with the team. The team then helps to cascade. Conversations you have about purpose is important, the more co-creation the more it’s our (team) purpose.

Connecting personal purpose with the purpose of the organisation and the team is key to leading with purpose. Without it we are in danger of drifting away from said purpose when we are met by new challenges and not achieving shared goals.

Do you lead with purpose? if you choose to you will soon see a change in everyone around you. It will inspire and excite them. They will in turn want to be the best they can be too and become a role model.

There are 3 more lunch, learn and lead for Dorset Council with Mel Ross who inspired this week note.

  • Profile — being aware of your brand/narrative (Thursday 10th March 1–1.40pm)
  • Presence — meeting people where they are (Thursday 17th March 1–1.40pm)
  • Prepared — responding to change rather than reacting (Thursday 31st March 1- 1.40pm)

