Microsoft Change Agent course reflection (26–30 Sept)

Delia Carr
Digital Dorset
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2022

Wow 5 days of virtual training via Microsoft Teams. I can officially say I am knackered 🥱 but in a good way. Over 100 people attended across different councils to hear about ways we can implement change, how we can experiment with M365 technology using all the apps available and how we can network with each other to learn and stop the duplication.

I completed the Change Agent programme 2022
I completed the Change Agent programme 2022

What did I learn?

  1. Us at Dorset Council are quite advanced in their digital journey, leading the way by using Digital Champions to upskill their staff. In total out of the 100 attending 12 of us were from Dorset. We invited our Super Digital Champions to take part in the training so they can help move us further ahead with the Power Platform apps and support culture change back in their services.
  2. Other councils such as BCP our neighbour along with Colchester and Norfolk are leading the way when it comes to embracing the Power Platform.
  3. At Dorset we need to implement ways of stopping Teams sprawl sooner than later and review the structures we have in line with the work we are doing to move our Intranet to SharePoint.
  4. Where are we on the journey with using virtual agents (bots)? why are we not developing our own yet? We are using PlaceCube as our customer platform for public interaction/reporting.
  5. Every day is a learning day. RPA, dynamics and AI were all subjects I was less familiar with. After the training I now have more awareness and more importantly know the art of the possible.
  6. That being an Intelligent Council includes public servants being freed from low-value tasks to add greater value.
  7. Virtual training is tiring. What helped was breakout rooms, a separate chat group with my Dorset colleagues and getting out for a run a couple of nights. A week all at once is not for me but suited many others.
  8. Change Agents love cheesy music when coming back from a break, let’s see if Dorset staff like this too.

Quick wins —
Try out FindTime — The easiest way to schedule across companies (
Make use of even more free Microsoft training resources — Enterprise Skills Initiative: Welcome ( and Microsoft 365 Adoption — Get Started
Use personas and provide role based training

What’s next?

  • Set up a follow up meeting with all our newly qualified change agents to discuss actions
  • Review the recordings and resources provided as part of the course
  • Embrace the networking opportunities and reach out as often as possible using the new community
  • Encourage others at Dorset to attend the Managers Change Agent training and Change Agent training for the rest of our Super Champions and key ICT enablers

What did my colleagues think you may ask? 🤔

Wendy — Thank you so much for this week, best course EVER!!!
Paul — Excellent course, even though I found some of the huge transformational case studies intimidating I’m brimming with (smaller) ideas for change. Great to see Dorset coming up again and again as a digital pioneer!
Izzy — Thought the course was absolutely amazing
Kelly (our ICT ninja) — It’s been a good learning experience for me too

Socitm and Microsoft launch change agents training | UKAuthority

