Pride and Procrastination

Sam McLaren
Digital Dorset
Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2023

I've been saying to my team about writing more this year and trying to encourage others and after the year in weeknotes i have really slipped off with my writing so i thought practice what you preach and lets write something!

For anyone in my team reading this, this is your call to action to write something before the end of Jan ;)

For anyone that knows me you will understand why i chose this subject!

Today i am going to talk about Procrastination.

When i go into the office to ‘concentrate’

What is procrastination?

Procrastination is the action of unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or postponing something despite knowing that there will be negative consequences for doing so

Basically its doing everything what you should be doing.

Sorry George (like he’s gonna read this…) George R R Martin is a great example of this.

The next book in the Game of Thrones series Winds of winter is an extreme example but he's written himself into such a complex and long winded trap that its hard to write out of. He has been writing the book for at least 13 YEARS and in that time he's written for games, tv shows, movies, and done loads of other things other then the book in his incredibly popular series.

This is the perfect example of what procrastination can be like:

How it affects me

I often slip into procrasti-working as well where i just start new tasks rather then finish a big one. The TED Talk i did recently was like this. I either procrastinated from other work to do the Ted talk or more likely i concentrated on other work so i didn't have to think about doing a talk.

This graph is too accurate it hurts…

I was already feeling its pull a bit in December and now fairing even worse in January but i can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Lets be honest January isn't the best month as it is, its wet, cold, dark, there is nothing to do, and it lasts for about 3 months.

I mean this blog is ironically procrastination from starting something i don't want to start yet so… yeah

Like when writing this i came into the office and ended up chatting, eating sweets, listening to rants and then finding out what Moomin i am (thanks Susie)

Sounds like a productive day to me!

It all means that someone that should take an hour ends up taking a bit longer then that!

How i’m overcoming it (i hope)

There are two things i am doing this year that i am hoping will deter the procrastination monkey for a little while longer.

For anyone not understanding please watch this:

That video speaks to me on a personal level.

Anyway back to the two things i am doing…

1. Break tasks into manageable steps.

Big tasks can look daunting and off putting. Break those baby's up! Once you have some smaller more manageable tasks its easier and more rewarding to start ticking them off.

2. Make it harder to procrastinate.

This one is fairly simple, Put my phone away and don't feel tempted to check it or you'll get stuck in an endless scroll of reels and short videos!

Wish me luck with sticking to these.


Yay i finished the blog, right I'm going to go treat myself.

Hopefully i will hear from you soon when you write your blog!

Hopefully wont be long before my next writing as i have an idea for another blog soon about Insights colour works and adapting to new environments.

I am very Yellow and have been for a while now, blue used to be my strongest but then i guess my walls came down and i got more confident and outgoing with my sunshine energy. That might be something for the blog! Or therapy..

Anyway I'm going to write something on shoving yellow energy through a blue filter with the piece of work i am doing at the moment so stayed tuned for that!

Sam out.



Sam McLaren
Digital Dorset

Working to promote Dorset as a place to live, work, and visit. DL100 member. Inspiringthefuture volunteer. TED Speaker #SamsBrightIdeas