The promise of decentralised consumer networks and what we are building with

Sergey Shenderov
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2018

I love Bitcoin. It’s the most important consumer product in the recent history, enabling a generational wealth transfer and unprecedented financial inclusion. It unveiled new crucial freedoms to previously excluded people — who can potentially invest, store value and rely less on governments and rent-seekers in management of their finances.

No matter what the future holds for it, Bitcoin has established an historic significance on which new consumer economies will get built. It has demonstrated virality of financial incentives that drive global decentralized networks. It has shown how those united in a common economic enterprise can build and sustain systems of unprecedented value — illustrated by Bitcoin’s own peak capitalisation unfathomable to many.

That said, I would like to set aside the worries about the future of Bitcoin, as well as infrastructural issues that I believe will be proven trivial in the greater scheme of things. I would rather we consider how our Bitcoin-enabled understanding can now be applied to vast networks of people, that are global, already (or could) feature common socio-economic behavior and are rooted in vast existing intrinsic value. In other words, the networks that have the implicit advantages that Bitcoin didn’t have at the start of its ascent. These new networks have the potential to unlock tremendous value to their participants who used to contribute a lot, but never benefited from their own efforts. That defines a major crypto investment thesis — in my mind, one of the most important — going forward.

We have stumbled upon one such global network when started working with the mom demographic more than 10 years ago. And it is a relevant case in point here.

We have worked with moms first via Babyblog — that grew into a European leader in parenting user content and reaches tens of millions of users. More recently, we developed, a mobile messenger and social network that now reaches some 1.2 million unique users globally, who engage daily on average for 60+ minutes per user every day. During that time, they contribute to the platform a treasure trove of data, attention and content that underlie a vast intrinsic (and potential) value of the network. We currently monetize that value via advertising and data with more than 100 internationally renowned consumer brands. Yet our users who create that value daily, have no access to it.

Moms are by far the greatest global consumer power, responsible for 80% of the household spend decision-making in any market we focus on. Yet even in our most developed, the US (where annual purchasing decision impact of moms rises into trillions of dollars), they are deeply disadvantaged financially as individuals. Today, roughly 50% of births in the US are to single moms and 50% of births are on Medicaid. This means that the vast majority of our addressable audience — in both developed and emerging markets — would benefit greatly by an integrated way to generate income online. A way that would enhance, rather than disrupt the already busy lives of moms worldwide.

We aim to become the “central bank” for the global economy of moms, with a set long-term deflationary monetary policy. In other words, without the ability to print money at will. The entire online economic activity of moms may now be powered by a native token to be used as a universal medium of exchange within their network. In this way, we can deliver an instant and considerable income opportunity by paying moms for all their contributions to network growth and content creation with the network token. At the same, they would directly monetize their attention and data via interaction with brands, retail and other 3rd parties. More over, the tokens represent a direct economic stake holding in the network economy that combines the value of attention, data and content created everyday, along with unprecedented collective spending power. That economy, which moms would build for themselves, their families, us and our investors, can grow larger than most nation states.

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Sergey Shenderov

Entrepreneur, bringing blockchain to use by ordinary people. Co-founder Ex-natural resources and capital markets investment banker.