The Digital Transformation Blindspots That Cost Your Business Money

Mark Waller
Digital | Edge
Published in
18 min readJan 6, 2023


How To Secure You A Smoother Business Transition Into The Digital Technology Age

“Not all digital transformation initiatives have been successful. Make sure you don’t miss any blindspots!”

The new technology opportunity for ambitious leaders is real.

Never before in the long history of digital transformations has success been more rewarding and the penalty for mediocrity more punishing. Never before in the history of leadership has the possibility been greater for smart movers and a bigger challenge for every digital transformation executive and leadership team.

During the COVID lockdown, my colleagues and I, in program abeyance and with time on our hands, set out to solve one of the biggest "mysteries" in the digital transformation business.

It began innocently enough. A new Client — a CFO and Executive sponsor, asked us what they could do to secure their success. Everyone naturally asks this as they kick off, to which there is no shortage of good answers. He was insistent, however, that his point was valid. Many of his peers, anxious as he was to deliver against commitments, had undertaken the same due diligence, employed the same consultancies, selected the same vendors, and asked the same question, received the same assurances, yet by definition, according to the…



Mark Waller
Digital | Edge

Investor, Entrepreneur. Applied BizTech is improving our lives — and we’re going exponential! How we maximise this advantage is my mission.