The Hidden Risks of Digital Transformation: Are You Well Prepared to Take the Journey?

Mark Waller
Digital | Edge
Published in
8 min readFeb 2, 2023


Change Your Perspective, Change Your Approach, and Change Your Outcomes!

Your Roadmap To Digital Transformation Success

Blog Series Part 1: It's Time For A New Beginning

The Critical Distinction Between Being Prepared Sufficiently Well and Well Enough as You Can Be

As a Digital Transformation Leader, I have a big question: Are you prepared sufficiently well to embark on your digital transformation journey? No trick. You likely think you are. Statistically, you're not. But that's ok. A subtle yet very costly distinction traps many between prepared sufficiently well and well enough as you can be. Most inadvertently settle for the latter. You cannot, after all, know what you don't know. You've scrutinized your peers, team, analysts, consultants, and vendors and have satisfied yourself to the best of your ability. The consensus is comfortable; you'll set off, confident you'll learn what you don't know as you go. What else is there?

What Causes Low Satisfaction Rates in Digital Investments?

The current approach to technology adoption, honed and refined over the past…



Mark Waller
Digital | Edge

Investor, Entrepreneur. Applied BizTech is improving our lives — and we’re going exponential! How we maximise this advantage is my mission.