The Dark Side of Social Media Algorithms: What You Need to Know

M Gordon
Social Media Empowerment & Online Safety
3 min readSep 11, 2023


Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that affects us all but is rarely discussed: the dark side of social media algorithms. You might think that your feed is just a random collection of posts from friends, family, and brands you follow. But there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes. Let’s unravel what’s behind what you, and specifically you see.

Photo by Farzad on Unsplash

What Are Social Media Algorithms?

In simple terms, an algorithm is a set of rules that a computer program follows to make decisions. Social media algorithms decide what content appears on your feed, in what order, and how often. These algorithms are designed to keep you engaged on the platform for as long as possible. The longer you stay, the more ads you see, and the more data the platform can collect about you so they can sell more ads that you are likely to click on.

The Emotional Manipulation Game

Here’s where things get tricky. These algorithms are not just sorting posts; they’re manipulating your emotions. Ever wondered why you see so many posts that make you angry, anxious, or overly excited? That’s the algorithm at work. It knows that emotionally charged content is more likely to keep you engaged. And while you’re busy reacting to these posts, the platform is collecting data on your emotional triggers.

The Vicious Cycle of Anxiety and Engagement

The more you engage with emotionally charged content, the more the algorithm learns about you. It then uses this data to show you even more content that will elicit strong emotional reactions. This creates a vicious cycle where you’re constantly exposed to posts that make you anxious, angry, or sad, keeping you hooked to the platform.

The Cost of Free Social Media

You might think that social media is free, but the real cost is your emotional well-being and your data. The saying if it free, then you are the product is very true! The platforms collect vast amounts of information about your behavior, preferences, and even your location. This data is then sold to advertisers who use it to target you with highly personalized ads. So, not only are you emotionally manipulated, but your data is also being exploited for profit.

Breaking Free from the Algorithm’s Grip

So, how can you break free from this manipulation? Here are some quick tips:

  1. Monitor Your Usage: Keep track of the time you spend on social media. Use built-in features like “Screen Time” on iPhones to set limits.
  2. Identify Triggers: Make a note of posts or topics that make you feel anxious or angry. Once you identify these triggers, you can choose to avoid them.
  3. Curate Your Feed: Unfollow accounts that consistently post content that triggers negative emotions. Follow accounts that inspire and uplift you.
  4. Take Breaks: It’s okay to step away from social media. Take short breaks to disconnect and focus on real-life interactions.
  5. Seek Ethical Alternatives: Look for social media platforms that prioritize user well-being over profits.

Take Back Control

If you’re looking to dive deeper into this topic and reclaim your emotional well-being, I highly recommend reading “Social Media Influence: How To Break Free From Social Media’s Emotional & Data Manipulation & Reclaim Your Life”. As an industry expert with 20 years of experience, this book offers a roadmap to regaining control of your life in the digital age. It provides actionable advice and expert insights on breaking free from manipulation and taking control of your online experience.

Social media algorithms are not just innocent tools; they are designed to manipulate your emotions and exploit your data. But the good news is, you can break free. By being aware of how these algorithms work and taking proactive steps, you can reclaim your emotional well-being and protect your data.

Don’t let algorithms dictate your emotions and choices. Take charge, and reclaim your life.

Ngā mihi nui! 🌟



M Gordon
Social Media Empowerment & Online Safety

Cultivating calm in the chaos. I'm Mia, a passionate advocate for mindfulness & growth, guiding others through a 21-Day Challenge to inner peace & resilience.