Go to Digital Era Now
Digital Era Now
Digital Era Now is the Institute for Digital Transformation’s digital journal that provides practical insightful approaches to Digital Transformation.
Note from the editor

Digital Era Now is the Institute for Digital Transformation’s digital journal that provides practical insightful approaches to Digital Transformation.

Go to the profile of The Institute
The Institute
Transformation is not something you do. It’s an attitude, an approach. We must create transformational leaders and cultures within our Organizations.
Go to the profile of John Palinkas
John Palinkas
Managing Partner at The Institute for Digital Transformation
Go to the profile of Charles Araujo
Charles Araujo
Technology industry analyst, author and speaker exploring the Digital Enterprise and the future of work.
Go to the profile of Frank Granito
Frank Granito
Frank is Chief Scientist, Partner, and Institute Fellow at the Institute for Digital Transformation.