AI Is The New God

Symbiotic Super Human AI Cyborgs Rule The World

Mijail Carpio
Digital GEMs
4 min readDec 23, 2019


We were victims of our success, we have created an unbeatable AI symbiotic monster. Now, we live in a deep sense of desolation, is it all over yet?

Houndstooth, Hodge — Sunlight On a Broken Column

There’s a tense calm in the city today, it’s been 3 years since the Information Wars have struck the world. Today in 2039, society is struggling to discern what’s fake from what’s not, caught up in an endless loop of advertisement and a sense of desolation. If you’d ask me 20 years ago, I’d tell you that we did not picture the end of the world being like this.

Humans are inherently technological beings, we’ve always been driven to utilize tools and complement, enhance ourselves continually. It has become a fundamental part of not only our daily lives but also plays a role in our ethical and moral decisions. For example, starting from the wide propagation of smartphones around the world, they have become personal extensions which created an unprecedented strong bond between humans and technology. Consequently, this division has been shrinking constantly over the years, especially after the disruption of AI, immersive virtual reality experiences and brain-hacking. All the aforementioned elements indicate a new construction and definition of a human being, this new generation of enhanced humans and realities led us to believe that we could be capable of achieving a responsible social integration through technology. The problem relies on the agglomeration of these advancements in the hands of a few corporations.

People vector created by macrovector

If you think about it, companies have always been interconnected cybernetic organisms composed of humans and machines, sharing information all the time. The big success of these businesses was to generate enough limbic resonance to get us hooked with social approval and anxiety. We were all plugged in as nodes in a network, we’re all feeding and collectively programming this huge machine that’s capable of changing its source code with our digital behavior. Soon after, we realized that since intelligence is just a matter of information processing, we had created other intelligent forms of life. As a result, the Machine has become the principal and best source of innovation, relying on its deep learning to obtain the best results against complex situations. Nevertheless, something was missing. At this stage, machines had surpassed humans’ nervous system at input/output, information processing, memory, complex movement, vision, language and structured problem solving among others. What the machine lacks is what characterizes us as productive, our capacity of creating beautiful pieces of art, our emotions, compassion, empathy, and our consciousness.

Despite this lack of human superpowers of the machines, an illuminated man by the name of Elon Musk, had made extensive research about the possibility to create an integrated brain-machine interface platform that serves as a third cognition layer attached to our cortex and limbic system working together. Hence, this AI layer would radically change our possibilities as human beings achieving some sort of superhuman cognition. The main issue was the slow flow of information they had available at that time until they reached the creation of a high-bandwidth data streaming capable of communicating with our nervous system. The main objective of this project was to treat neurological disorders and to have these implants available to everyone to collectively shape a new generation of humans.

“This is going to sound pretty weird. Ultimately we can achieve a symbiosis with artificial intelligence. This is not a mandatory thing, this is something you can choose to have if you want. This is going to be really important at a civilization-level scale. Even in a benign AI scenario, we will be left behind. With a high-bandwidth brain machine interface we can go along for the ride and have the option of merging with AI.” Elon Musk, 2019, Neuralink Launch Event

© Neuralink/YouTube

However, power-seeking individuals hijacked this technology to create their version of superhumans and oppress nations. These maniac overlords have turned this brilliant idea into a weapon against us, governments and politicians were corrupted by the system to pass laws that they did not understand. At the same time, how could we ever count on clueless legislators to regulate AI? Let’s remember the moronic questions asked to Mark Zuckerberg when he testified before the US congress in the Cambridge Analytica case such as: — How do you sustain a business model in which users don’t pay for your service? (Sen. Orrin Hatch) or even — If I’m emailing within WhatsApp, does that ever inform your advertisers? (Sen. Brian Schatz)

It was clear that they didn’t even know how the internet works!

The new ruling classes took advantage of this and rapidly created new alliances between powerful people. It all happened very fast, we couldn’t adapt. They are the intellectual authors of the Information Wars, constantly speculating about economic instability, social changes, and loss of liberty. The world is in turmoil, there are no guns in this war, instead, they use manipulation techniques that spike depression and anxiety among people. We’re living in a world choked by overconsumption, discontent, violent music and desolation. Despite this situation, an emerging group of unknown rebels has hacked its way to replicate these implants and forge a resistance movement against the cyborgs. There’s a tense calm today.

About this article

This article has been written by a student on the Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Advanced Masters in Digital Business Strategy. As part of a content creation assignment, students are given the task of writing articles based on their digital interests and disseminate the articles online. Articles are marked but we make minimal changes to the content. Thanks for reading! James Barisic, Programme Director, MS DBS.

