Behind the Filter: The Mental Health Challenges of Influencer Culture

Zineb Ahlal
Digital GEMs
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2023

Welcome to the dazzling world of influencers, where gorgeous moments and glitzy vacations are the standard. But have you ever wondered what lies beneath the gleaming facade? Join me on a crazy ride through the ups and downs of influencer culture, but also ways of escaping the matrix!

The Pursuit of Picture-Perfect: When Filters Crash into Reality

One of the intrinsic issues of influencer culture is the ongoing push to project a flawless and idealized image. As they are frequently expected to live an apparently perfect life, complete with perfectly staged images, enviable vacation experiences, and an unlimited supply of expensive goods, the quest for perfection can be emotionally draining, leading to feelings of self-doubt, anxiety, and despair in influencers.

Comparison: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Self-Esteem

Social media platforms foster a culture of comparison, with influencers and their followers constantly evaluating and measuring their lives against those of others. Constant exposure to controlled and filtered images of achievement might lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Influencers are not immune to this issue because they continuously compare themselves and measure their personal success with measures such as engagement rate, and brand collaborations, fostering a rollercoaster of emotions from soaring confidence to crushing inadequacy.

The Pressure Cooker: Surviving the Content Creation Circus

From creating consistent fresh material to managing their personal brand, influencers face many challenges in meeting the high expectations of their followers and their professional partners

The fear of being ignored, surpassed, or overshadowed by competitors can create tension and worry, worsening mental health and well-being. Important mental acrobatics are required to succeed in this exhilarating but exhausting circus in which influencers perform nowadays!

a totebag with a kind reminder, in Parisian tramway : “if I waited for perfection, I’d never write a word” Margaret Atwood.

Well, well, well, guess what? Despite the oh-so-fake nature of social media, influencers can actually take some magical steps and measures to protect their precious mental health and, brace yourselves, even make a positive impact on their followers! Can you believe it? It’s like unlocking the secret formula to success in the world of filtered illusions!

Bye-Bye Filters, Hello Authenticity!

The superpower here is mental health protection, and it all starts with a little thing called Authenticity. Influencers should reveal their true selves, forming an unbreakable link with their fans and followers. This creates a lovely place where vulnerability reigns supreme and flaws are celebrated. Say goodbye to the exhausting quest for perfection because these influencers are channelling the “real me” attitude. There’s more! Their authenticity empowers their followers to embrace their own beautiful individuality. It’s like a chain reaction of true magnificence!

Escaping the Matrix: Digital Detoxes for the Brave and Bold

By stepping away from the screen, the influencers embark on exciting offline adventures that bring them back to the real world. This is an opportunity to re-examine themselves, release stress, and restore balance to their lives. These regular escapes from social media madness are like a refreshing sip of lemonade on a hot summer day.

And guess what? Since sharing is caring, and no one can do it better than influencers, they won’t keep all the fun to themselves! They can share their detox experiences with their followers afterwards, spreading inspiration like confetti and encouraging others to hop on the digital detox train.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Rocking Self-Love and Body Confidence

Armed with the ability to question unrealistic beauty standards, influencers can spark a body-positive revolution. They embrace all sizes, races, and shapes as strong warriors.

These influencers can easily and effectively empower their followers to love their bodies and unleash their inner confidence by advocating body positivity and breaking out of the beauty standards system. It’s like a self-love dance party to which everyone is invited, honoring individuality, and building a community based on acceptance and compassion!

In the grand finale of our amusing influencer adventure, remember this: advocating for other people’s well-being is everyone’s responsibility, especially the more influential ones. So, let us raise a virtual confetti-filled toast to these wonderful people who dare to be authentic and share positive energy, despite the cruelty of the world of social media.

A little TED Talk video to expand your perspective on the topic! You’re welcome.

About this article

This article has been written by a student on the Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Advanced Masters in Digital Strategy Management. As part of a content creation assignment, students are given the task of writing articles based on their digital interests and disseminating the articles online. Articles are marked but we make minimal changes to the content. Thanks for reading! James Barisic, Programme Director, MS DSM.

