Embracing Bliss: Finding Life’s Small Pleasures Despite Digital Overload

Zineb Ahlal
Digital GEMs
Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2023

Is it just me or it’s really easy to get caught up in the swirl of screens, notifications, and virtual mayhem in our fast-paced digital age?!

One thing that I try to remind myself of, every now and then, is that there is a world of small pleasures waiting to be uncovered, hidden away from the digital clutter and overwhelm. So, join me on a lighthearted and loving adventure to discover how to locate those precious moments of happiness in our lives away from the screen-induced chaos.

Disconnect to reconnect

Whether it’s taking a stroll in nature or in the city, indulging in a favourite hobby, or simply savouring a cup of tea, the impact of unplugging that charger and stepping away from the screen is enormous. The art of disconnection will allow you to engage in activities that bring you real joy and dopamine, and to create space for reconnecting with yourself and the world in a deeper and more meaningful way.

These moments away from your phone, will allow you to fully engage your senses in the present moment, and be mindful about your time and actions.

Seek Simplicity in the Everyday

There is so much delight in everyday life, embrace small details that bring a grin to your face. It could be the taste of your favourite comfort food, the warmth of a loved one’s hug, or the simple warmth of sun rays on your skin. By fully grasping the joy that these little moments bring, you create a sense of thankfulness and satisfaction that will help you forget to use your phone!

Cultivate Authentic Connections

While technology has connected us in astonishing ways, genuine personal ties cannot be replaced.

It is important to take the time and make an effort to form meaningful connections with others around you. Engaging in meaningful conversations, sharing personal experiences, and sincerely listening to others are all ways to establish relationships that nourish the soul and bring a sense of fulfilment by making space for deep and meaningful conversations. This type of quality time will make you reflect on the amount of time lost scrolling through your phone, while the possibility of having a meaningful conversation with a loved one was passing by…

2 girls sitting at a rocky beach, no phones, just conversation and contemplation.

Bring back the little kid in you

When was the last time you played in nature, you explored a forest with one of your friends, or simply played a board game?

Playfulness, creativity, and exploration are great sources of joy and happiness. Tap into your creative side and let your imagination run wild either by painting, drawing, playing a musical instrument, or even dancing, like nobody is watching! Who’s watching you anyway?!

The key here is to open yourself to what the world has to offer, and create without judgment or expectation, and embrace the healing power of reconnecting with your inner child.

An eye-opening TED Talk, about the power of meaningful human connections.

And, it doesn’t hurt to have like-minded people to do these activities with you, it might even make it better! So, if you know that your friends are also dreamers, thrill-seekers, and little-things-enjoyers, don’t hesitate to organize a no-phone day in nature, where exploration and playfulness meet to create a space of laughter, curiosity, and a never-ending quest for the extraordinary.

So, dear reader, remember to put your phone down, take a deep breath and unleash your real life’s full potential!

About this article

This article has been written by a student on the Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Advanced Masters in Digital Strategy Management. As part of a content creation assignment, students are given the task of writing articles based on their digital interests and disseminating the articles online. Articles are marked but we make minimal changes to the content. Thanks for reading! James Barisic, Programme Director, MS DSM.

